Logbook entry

Thargoid Study Entry [01]

10 Sep 2020Hyrchurn
HIP 17862

10 Sep 3306

Specimen of Study:
Thargoid Interceptor

Notable Behavior:
Subject unleashed an energy wave after interdicting my ship (AspX Explorer) out of a hyperspace jump. Said wave disabled ship controls and user interface. The wave does not appear to harm organic organisms, but it is very disruptive to electronics. There appears to be no lasting damage however. Ship restored controls after approximately 2 minutes.

Subject is noted to produce very loud growling, possibly as a form of communication. These sounds are recorded for further studies; no notable sequence or pattern has been discovered yet. Subject's 'arms' glows when scanning the ship with a beam from its central cockpit. It is unknown what type of wave this is. The wave appears to penetrate hull and other modules, possibly X-Ray?

Subject then determined my ship as harmless and departed. Subject produced a 'wormhole' of sorts and appeared to jump away. A scan was inconclusive without the right tools. Perhaps I can be more prepared next time.

Personal notes: A very interesting experience! Will attempt this again, soon I may be able to befriend them!
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