Logbook entry

A quarter of the way around

25 Mar 2021VorpalDeer
0145 25 March 3307

I arrived at Salome's Diadem, 22k ly from Star One. The primary here is impressive. It's a class B of almost 250 solar radii, with a small AeBe star about 900 ls away. This one deserves a picture:

The secondary is just at the bottom of the primary. Next stop, Erikson's Star, then on to Beagle Point and Semotus Beacon.

I'm now over 43k ly from the bubble, having jumped nearly 86k ly along the way. Only 3/4 of the galaxy left to go, if space madness doesn't take me first. I think I'm ok, though. I'm settling into the routine of deep space. The beauty out here is more subtle and subdued than closer in. The solitude is almost a part of it. I haven't been so alone with my thoughts for a long time, and it's good. At least for now. We'll see how I feel after Beagle Point.
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