Logbook entry

Coming into the home stretch

08 Jun 2021VorpalDeer
0320 07 June 3307

Reaching Magellan's Star took me to the south, then back north along the outer tip of the Perseus Arm, but the trip was uneventful. It made the third leg of my journey the longest, at over 96000 ly. After leaving Beagle Point, I headed to Silentium Shores, then on to Ultima Centauri and Thana's Wasteland before making my way around the bend to Magellan's.

I guess there's not much for someone like me, who generally travels for the grand vistas, to say about the outer reaches of the galaxy. I've said all I can in the last couple of entries. I'm still enjoying the solitude, but I'm also looking forward to getting back home to a more varied life.

I took this trip to see if I could make it all the way through, and to be able to say I'd visited the most distant points in the galaxy, if I did succeed. I know now that I will make it, and I don't regret the voyage at all. My future explorations will be closer to home, though, and will likely focus on the dense starfields of the outer core.

Next stop, Distant Angosk, followed by Sepositus Beacon, Shackleton's Star, Amundsen's Star, and Livinstone Point. Then back north past Serebrov Beacon and on to Station X, the starting point of my trip. From there, Jameson is a quick day of speed jumping.
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