Logbook entry

Journey's End

25 Jul 2021VorpalDeer
2130 24 July 3307

I arrived back at Jameson Memorial, having jumped a total of over 350,000 ly over the course of nearly five months. It was a worthwhile journey, but I'm very glad to be home.

The trip from Magellan's Star to Distant Angosk required another backtrack, this time to the end of the Outer Arm, but it was, like the run to Magellan, uneventful. Sepositus Beacon was very close by, then I had a straight shot to Shackleton's Star and Amundsen's Star. At that point, I was ready to be home, so I skipped Livingstone Point and headed directly to Station X. I had to circle around the western end of the Perseus Fade, so I passed to the west of Serebrov Beacon, and made it to Station X on the evening of the 23rd. About 24 hours later, I was home at Jameson.

There's not much more to say, really. My last entry, from Magellan's Star, summed up the trip pretty well, and now I just want to get back to life in the bubble. I will definitely head out into the black again many more times, but I think I've had enough of the outer rim for a while.
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