Logbook entry

A Wolf, at last...

07 May 2022VorpalDeer
1130 07 May 3308

I'd been out in the black, northwest of Colonia for a few weeks, trying my hand at a sector survey. Just yesterday, on my way back towards Coeus to turn the data in to UC, I realized I was in an area rich with Wolf-Rayet stars. It's a pretty lightly traveled region, so I pulled up the system database and started checking it against my ship's map. Sure enough, just a little more than 400ly away, there was a Wolf system that apparently had not been visited. I pointed my trusty DBX, Christopher Robin, northeast and upwards and set out. Taking the time to map some terraformables and one Earth-like along the way, I reached Wepaa AA-A H33 to find that the database was correct, and I was the first to jump into this system. The star was a beautiful blue WOO, and was accompanied by a class O companion, about 37k ls away.

I had seen a few wolves before, but this one was my very own.
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