Logbook entry

Log Entry: Humble Origins

30 Sep 2021Cicadia
The walls of the small cubicle room were lit in a strong red glow, the filtered light reflecting in the dura-glass of the heavy set door. Thallia found herself staring at that door. She often did. There was precious else to do and the boredom was torture enough. Clad in one of those functional but cold bodysuits, she let out a shivering sigh as a pale hand reached to the terminal inset on her bunk and navigated to an audio-recording app.

"Log 1. Date, 30.09.3307. Thallia Thorn." Letting her head fall back on the steel behind, she let out a long, frustrated sigh.

"I'm not entirely sure why I'm recording this. The rehabilitation official suggested making a logbook about a week ago and I held off that long at least. This is my last day here... perhaps it's excitement getting to my head."

"It's still hard getting used the idea of being on a penal ship, and... heh... it's not a vacation I'd take again. Lesson to anyone listening to this. If you're going to hack a station's power grid, don't get caught with the regulator in your hands. If they catch you like that, just admit it. It's not worth the paperwork or your time to wiggle through it. It just adds time." A silence fell as Thal and a guard with stubble exchange an icy stare through the door. It only broke when he left visual.

"I guess... I guess I should just own it. I did it. It happened... time to move on. Be a good girl from here on out. I was speaking with Karlt earlier. He's going to enlist with Frontline Solutions. Apparently they can mitigate a sentence if you sign up for one of their penal squads. Sounds like fitting penance to me."

The silence after that dragged on for a good minute. "This is daft, your speaking to yourself Thal. End log."
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