Logbook entry

Log Entry 2: A lucky break

01 Oct 2021Cicadia
"Begin log entry. Date, 01.10.3307."

"So, Karlt was a genius. I had my doubts, though they probably were because he was also an absolute nutcase. I'm going to miss him."

"We went through with his plan of enlisting with Frontline Solutions Penal Division. The wardens had final and ultimate say, of course, but they weren't going to turn it down. The deal was the folks keeping us prisoner got a payout and a few new empty cells to fill. FS-P got new bodies on the cheap to fling into the meatgrinder. We got to see something outside of a cell. Everyone is a happy bunny."

"Thirty or so inmates enlisted, I think. FS-P threw us into a platoon together and assigned us to 'Sergeant Merryweather'. Merry my ass. I'd say he best watch his back but after he sent two inmates to medical I don't think anyone's messing with him again. Brave sod though. On our first deployment, he was right up front with us. Imagine that. Dropping into a conflict zone knowing all of your platoon were wearing rags and carrying barely functional kit. I kind of like him, truth be told."

"Only a handful of us made it out of that one. Karlt was down minutes after his feet hit dust; rushed by a couple commando looking types. The rest of it's a blur. The Stars were looking out for me I think... pretty sure I was next to useless."

"It's a shame Karlt didn't make that one; because he's spinning in his grave at what came next. Merryweather arranged for his, now, squad to be shipped out to HIP 23317. FS-P was contracted to support the Fed's in a conflict against a communist group. Nagi Union. The twist was, as the Fed's didn't approve of the whole 'penal' arrangement, FS-P's been forced to pay us our combat bonds. After a few drops into hell, I'm swimming in more credits than I've ever owned!"

"Karlt. You're a fragging genius. When I told the Sergeant we'd all be buying our way out soon, all he gave us was a knowing smirk. How did you kno- huh. A message from a Nagi Union Commander. I wonder what they want."

"End log."
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