Logbook entry

Log Entry 3: The Grind

03 Oct 2021Cicadia
The vidcam footage blinks to reveal a familiar red light. Dim, enough to illuminate for basic function yet lacking to the point of uncomfortable strain. The translucent plasti-glass doors of the detention cell were hazed and foggy. The camera was recording from the corner of bunk, it's single terminal making the recording. On the bunk lay Thallia. Groaning as she sat up to move into the camera shot. Eyes red with bags under her eyes. Pale. Perhaps the light was unflattering.

"Being log entry. Date, 03.10.3307."

"Karlt. I bet you're laughing your ass off now, aren't you. Merryweather wasn't your buddy on the inside, was he? Your plan was just to take the hit and go down fighting... you didn't give two monkeys about after that first drop." She shakes her head, letting out a heavy sigh. "Lesson two. Just do the time."

With a wince, Thallia moves her head to the side. The reflection of the red light of a metallic disc on her neck betrayed the implants presence. "Uh-huh. That's right Karlt. Remote detonation implants. New accommodations." She banged on the cell wall for effect. "We'd be screwed. I am screwed. If I don't go down this is li-"

She took a deep breathe, leaning her head back to rest again the bunks thin pillow, as her hands came to rub her face. The footage proceeds for a few minutes more before Thallia speaks again.

"The platoon has been deployed to Delta Pavonis; Merryweather mentioned something about being contracted by Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar. It's a meatgrinder out there. What we saw Karlt? Small fry... I've been in medical twice already. EG Union know what they're doing, and it shows. I've got to get out of here. I've got to get this out of my blasted neck. Keep your eyes open Thal... there must be a wa-" Footsteps on metallic grating in the corridor outside, and hurriedly Thallia leans to reach for the terminal.

"End log."
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