Logbook entry

Log Entry 4: The plan

04 Oct 2021Cicadia
"Begin log entry. Date, 04.10.3007."

"Alright, here's the plan. The only window where there's opportunity to get out of this penal hellhole is during deployment. That means, Thal, that whatever you do about getting out of here it's got to happen during a drop. Fortunately there's only one location we keep getting dropped into. Gough Nutrition Nursery. Makes logistics easier."

The log falls quiet as footfall on metallic grating can be herd outside, the vid-feed showing a moving shadow across the cells translucent plasti-glass door. Only when the individual has truly moved on does Thal move close to the Terminal and speak in a hushed tone.

"Now, I've a hunch that if I try to sort out some kind of exfil with the local factions I'm going to get nowhere. No one with a big public presence and much to loose doesn't want to swoop into a conflict between the Feds and these EG Union folks. Too much exposure. They'll get dragged in. So... it's got to be a Commander. Someone whose not going to mind taking a little flak for flying in and out of a conflict zone."

"Over a few deployments, break into the communications panel in the Command module. Get a job listing or message out into the Pilot Federation's comms service. Come back another drop, and see who bites. Offer them a share of the combat bonds I've been saving up. They've got no other real value unless this works."

"A few of the platoon want in on this. I've agreed as long as they help mask Merryweather from what's going on. It's going to take a few drops to get this going... and if he gets a sniff of what's going on I'm toast."

With a heavy set sigh, Thallia rests her forehead on the terminal screen as she rubs the back of her head. Her eyes open again, and shift to look at the camera.

"Time to roll the dice. End Log."
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