Logbook entry

Plea for Salvation [broadcast to CMDR's mission network]

05 Oct 2021Cicadia
"If you're able to pick up this broadcast, please... hear me out. There's credits on the table and they could be yours."

"My name is Thallia Thorn, a registered Commander with the Pilot's Federation, and I'm being held as a penal combatant against my will. I am currently deployed at the Gough Nutrition Nursery facility in the Delta Pavonis system by the Frontline's Penal Division."

"In two days, we pull out of the conflict zone. I need to escape before then, and I need a Commander to help me do it. I've got a -"

The sound of a firefight within a pressured area fills the background, and for a few moments the woman speaking seems to be preoccupied. The sound of running mag-lock boots on gangway metal punctuates the pause. When she speaks again, she's almost gasping for breath.

"I've got an explosive restraint implant that makes just legging it impossible and leaves a short window to make this work. So, here's the job proposal Commander. Fly into the Gough Nutrition Nursery conflict zone. Land very near to the facility. I'll break ranks, leg it to you, and you neutralise the implant all within a couple minutes. Should be enough time for Merryweather to not detonate me before it's cracked. Then we high-tail it out of there."

"I know it's risky. That's why ten million is up for grabs. Big bucks right? I've got no way to know if anyone receives this...so... ah, if you take the job deploy orange and yellow smoke canisters as you land. Then I'll know it's yo-"

A loud explosion turns the audio to a crackling static that gives way to the sounds of rapid depressurisation and gunfire.

"Buttnuggets. Got to go. Please Commander... please, make my day. It'll be worth the risk, I swear. Thal out."
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