Logbook entry

Foundation's Falter

08 Oct 2021Cicadia
A muted crack of thunder. Bright light. A searing heat. Kinetic impulse. A crunch of metal against metal. A plummet to a floor of dust and rock. "Shields depleted."

"N...no ****." A ring buzzed through her ears as she clawed her way through the dusty surface of Camp Mitterand. Kinetic rounds hit the containers, cargo crates and walkway railings around her. Plasma fire seared through the plating of a Federal Officer's suit, the wound cauterised. With a neat hole through them, the Fed floated to the ground serenely. Caught in the kinetic impulse of a second explosion, Thallia is thrown into the side of Gough Nutrition Nursery's habitation module.

"Fall back to extraction point echo ASAP. The Fed's are pulling out and I'll be damned if this is your last deployment P13." Gruff, expectant and barking. Thal snarled in irritation as she pulled herself up against the side of a building, dragging her limp leg with her. Emergency sealant padding fused to the shattered thigh plating with a hiss. Through her misted visor, she gazes out at last valiant attempts of the Federal military forces. The 'professionals'. Orderly patterns of covering fire, falling back, covering fire... she let out a long, exasperated sigh. A slump of resignation sapped her strength as Thallia switched through comms channels. "They've boarded Freedom's Foundation!" "The Union's won, pull back!" "F****** Hudson and his ***** ******"

"This... is it then." She didn't recognise her own voice. Gravely and course. She took a deep breath as EG Union soldiers began to move past her. Taking cover in the blasted base structure around her, Thallia caught the eye of one of the soldiers as they prosecuted their victory. "Easy now Malyshka. Rest easy." They glanced as one at her as a loud, audible sigh of relief involuntarily left her lips. Her hand placing her Karma P-15 down to the side. It slid through the dust with no magazine to weigh it down.

Had her message not broadcast properly? Perhaps she hadn't offered enough? Perhaps... no one cared. Irritable wetness gathered in the corners of her eyes. A wetness threatening to run down her cheeks. Thal sniffed and gazed up at the dogfights above. Loosing herself in the mesmerising patterns of laser fire, missile wakes and plasma trails, she slowly closed her eyes.
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