Logbook entry


15 Oct 2021Cicadia
Light flickers in the dark. The lash whip tail of a neutron star, searing blue and white. The stars spiral in a choreographed ballet. A voice calls out across the void as background static scrapes in harmonious tune. Choral. Angelic.

"ugghh. Damn this encryption c***. Should work now, I think. Hey. Thallia I think, right? I got your broadcast you sent out and decided I'd help hearing your situation. I'm drop-" The static moved in crescendo, deafening, before a click brought the heavenly sounds in check. "-damn, this thing sucks. I'm dropping in now. These comms should be encrypted but I'm honestly not sure it works like it's supposed to. Look out for a little Asp Scout."

Thallia's eyes shot open to the sound of a sharp gasp for breath. A hand wiped her glass helm clean of the dust that covered it as she lifts herself up to sit against the metal of a curved wall. Blinking for a few moments, an involuntary fit of giggling laughter broke it's way out as her wits began to return.

"Haaaaaaah hahahah! Orange and yellow!? Hah!" Ignoring the confused and wary movements of the EG Union soldiers in nearby cover, the ones who had let her rest, she lets out a pained groan as she hauls herself onto her feet. "I'm activating my beacon and setting it to this comm-link. I should be on the dark side of the Nursery. There's an open spot near a wrecked defence turret. Do you see it?"

"Holy s***!" 'Awthump awiii awoo awuu.' Startled, Thallia cranes up to see an Asp Scout and a Viper MKIII collide. Hues of blue and purple rippled across the Scout's shields. The Viper's had collapsed. The Asp Scout dove down to avoid the layer of dogfights and support craft above the conflict zone. "Hey! Sorry about that! I see the destroyed defense turret. You want me to land there?"

"Close call! You've... you've caught that Viper's attention. S***, they're turning about. Head to that open space, I'll leg for it. Have you got that neutraliser on hand?" Adrenaline and desperation made for powerful allies, pushing Thal through the pains shooting from her shot-through leg, as she waved down that EG squad nearby.


'Ship scan detected'. The subtle sound of comms patching through followed. "Pilot, I don't see you marked here as one of our fighters. Identify your reason here." The Viper pilot was pursing on her tail, and sounded decidedly unpleased with being used for ramming practice.

"Hey! I'm a Commander of the Pilots Fed, here on an important job to extract valuable cargo from this location. If you have a problem with that then take it up with the Pilots Federation. Otherwise, p*** off and let me do my job." Firm, direct, confident. The woman thought talking in their language could avoid using ordinance to do the talking. The Viper glides silently for a few long moments, before reluctantly peeling away and re-joining the aerial conflict above.

"Hey, Thallia. I'm landing now. I've got...something that'll jam the device but I'm not sure about the removal part. We'll see about that when I land."

The Asp Scout swoops down low, kicking up a storm of dust as the craft yaws to face Gough Nursery. Dropping landing gear and the boarding ramp, it touches down gracefully. Engines whining down to a safe output as the pilot slips on a helmet. Slinging her AR-50 assault rifle into her hands, she crouches down into Camp Mitterand's dusty surface on one knee. Rifle raised at the ready. Shields up. Waiting for... anyone to approach.

Firefights breaking out in the compound, long moments pass. Stray rounds kicking up dust in fleeting sprays. Then, over the crest of a dusty hillock, came her quarry. A limping woman escorted by three Union soldiers. Her suit fractured at though and shoulder, emergency sealant hastily pressed down and fused to both. Thal looked pale. Exhausted. The determined scowl she wore as clear as the metallic disc on her neck glinting in the sunlight. She gave a sheepish wave from her waist. Hey! You're a sight for sore eyes! Nearly there... what's your name?!"

The pilot took her hand from her rifle and waved back, "Oh my god. I never told you my name. Isabella. My names Isabella Levine."

This is a story based on roleplay with CMDR Isabella Levine, who'd I'd like to say a big thanks to!
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