Logbook entry

Seeking the Truth #15: It must end soon

11 Oct 2021Patrick Bietruch
After posting my latest entry I didn't have to wait long for the rescue team to arrive. I'm back at my fleet carrier and my Cobra is repaired. Unfortunately, as expected, the rough crash landing I had is gonna leave a mark. What do you think, does it look bad? Picture of the scar below.

In other news, the leader of Palluvumbo Creative Inc., Jack Sullivan, has been located.
For the last few days me and the team have been searching for him everywhere around the Palluvumbo system to no effect. Then we got info from Andlit Co. that one of their agents saw him and his guards in the center of the Bubble, near Sol. The Andlit agents are onto him all the time, he won't escape this time.
I don't want to do this. I don't want to kill anyone anymore. But they just leave me no other choice.. This is the last job, after that I'm done. Sullivan is the last person who wants me dead. During my crash landing and the "towing" of my Cobra back to the carrier, Chochou and Monarch took care of the last remaining chairman of Palluvumbo Creative Inc.

Reports state that Sullivan is in a Fer-De-Lance and has 4 guards constantly following him. They will put up a fight.

Time to end this madness.
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