Logbook entry

Seeking the Truth #17: Enough adventures

23 Oct 2021Patrick Bietruch
I'm back in the black.

I've made it back to where I ended my journey last time. I'm 20,830 light years away from the Bubble, took me 8 days to get here. The system's name is AUCOLF NP-M D8-3 and, as expected, an anomalous signal appeared on my navigation panel after jumping in here. Haven't seen these and haven't read any new entries from my father in a very long time. Shame I had to go back to the Bubble back in May 3307 and couldn't finish the journey. It's good to be exploring again.

As you may remember back in May I got attacked by a Palluvumbo hitman and had to run for my life. The last entry I found from my father was about Monarch's disappearance. My father's team assumed he was either killed or captured by the Federation. Well, I now know that he got captured and lived, still lives to this day. Here's the new entry:

> Anomalous signal detected
> Bandwidth insufficient

> Adjusting downlink parameters
> Bandwidth secured

> Downlink proceeding
> Loading [Ecnrypted files]...

> Time Stamp Predates Parameters.
> Approximate time frame: December 12 Year 3293

We have everything we need to start building the "Magellanic Sphere". We collected the rest of the materials without any problems, while Andlit Co. brought the best, trusted technicians and engineers they had for the project.

Construction starts tomorrow, and it will take a little shorter than we initially assumed. That's good, I've had enough adventures for now.

> Signal lost

That's funny. "I've had enough adventures for now" he said, and then he used the machine they'd built to jump to LMC. That's what Monarch thinks has happened. I want to see my father's version of the story. I must continue the journey. Next anomalous signal comes from the GREOU EOQ BW-V E2-4 system.
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︎1 Shiny!
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