Logbook entry

How I Got Here: "Sins Of Our Fathers"

05 Aug 2022Columbuss
Commander Justin Estok. Stardate 4-AUG-3308.

"Occupations never last..."

Have you ever seen an avalanche? How about a rock slide? Thousands of tons of dirt and rock careening down the side of a mountain obliterating anything in its path? You can find video footage anywhere on Galnet if you'd be inclined to look. Some people see them up close. Their stories, seldom make it back to be shared. If you've ever seen one of these, it's important to remember that they always start with one pebble. It's always one rock that turns pebbles into boulders. It's always one small shift in the snow that causes a wall of impenetrable frost to claim anything below it. It's equally important to remember that time, well... time works the same way.

The Al Mina system wasn't always under Alliance control. Most Al Minaan's can remember being Federal citizens and depending on where you are, alot of them wish they still were. These are the people raising children in this new Alliance, so you can safely say, the wound is still fresh. Years ago when John was just a boy, his father was a proud Federal serviceman in the Al Minaan system navy. More of a defensive force that helped police Al Minaan space and never ventured outside of the system.

As tensions mounted between the Federation and Empire at the time, more and more systems began to slip away into the Alliance as Federal taxes loomed over them. Alliance representatives poured honey in the ears of Al Minaan politicians and before long, the system was on the brink of civil war. Al MInaan rebels calling for Alliance support signed a secret treaty with a neighboring political entity called The Ross 151 Dynasty: A small monarchial system nearby. In coordinated attacks, all three system stations were assaulted from the inside. These coordinated mutineers seized all three stations while the Dynasty fleets entered the system under battle flags and engaged the Al Minaan naval forces. John's father was killed and after a week of fighting, the mutineers signed their future over to The Alliance.

A short time late, the Alliance based megacorp Remlok Industries moved in, using the Dynasty to pave the way with the politicians who were promised, but had yet to see, control of the system returned to them. Instead, the Dynasty and Remlok industries installed puppet councilmen to act in their best interest. A double cross on a double cross that saw the sovereignty of Al Mina vanish under the control of a foreign kingdom. This is how the avalanche started. It just took thirty years to reach the bottom. It took thirty years to turn into John.

"The Dynasty became subjugators. Oppressors! Occupiers..." John said, slurring his words slightly. "But... occupations?" he said, gulping down another shot of whiskey, "...they never last".
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