Logbook entry

How I Got Here: "It's A Trap!"

17 Aug 2022Columbuss
Commander Justin Estok. Stardate 17-AUG-3308.

"Fall back! All ships, fall back!"

You pull the stick hard to starboard. Your copilot shifts your regulator power to engines while you slam your boosters and burn your thrusters to whip your tail end around, trying to get the ship that's lighting up your shields with beam fire to pass you. You keep your eyes on the proximity screen above your lap, watching the red triangle's trajectory as it takes a wide turn. Pulling the stick back to port, the enemy ship turns back toward you in pursuit but ends up in your field of fire. Your targeting computer rings with a hard lock as you hammer down on your multicannons before the enemy ship begins to spin, chunks of shrapnel shredding from it's hull. As you pass, you can see smoke fill the cockpit of the enemy ship as it lies adrift, dead in the water.

"Shields taking direct hits across the bow!" Ragina yells, as the canopy turns blue. Two enemy Viper attack ships pass overhead, banking hard in opposite directions to come up behind you. An enemy Anaconda fires in all directions dead ahead, its turrets turning fiery red from the heat.

"Popping chafe! Hold on!"

You pull the stick back toward your body, pulling the throttle back to blue as your chafe cannons light up the space surrounding your ship with flickering gold lights. Ragina toggles full power to weapons as the starboard Viper locks in to your targeting computer. You hammer down on your beam cannons as your two ships pass each other at breakneck speeds.

This is the Crimson Life fleet fighting on the back heel during what should have been a surprise attack on the Dynasty fleet over Al Mina A2. It was clear the moment we frame shifted in that the enemy knew we were coming. Point defense canons had us under fire as more and more ships flashed out of hyperspace, some of them taking hits before they could deploy hard points and activate their shield. The larger ships moved in to a defensive formation as our smaller attack fleet ducked behind them for cover, launching rail gun volleys to attempt to drive the Dynasty fleet back.

As you try to angle yourself to get a clear shot at the more maneuverable Dynasty Viper, the Crimson Life command ship, Inistrad, comes into view. A rail gun strike hits the hull as the main structure splits in two, billowing flames, wreckage and crew members into the void.

Just then John's voice comes in frantically over the intercom.

"Inistrad down! Repeat! Inistrad down. Attack compromised! Fall back! All ships, fall back!"

Canopy digitals light up as friendly ships turn to flee. You pull the stick hard to port, following suit, popping chafe again to cover your retreat. Millions of golden flickers blink in and out of existence, scrambling enemy targeting systems. Frame shift begins to spin up but the sheer amount of ships nearby is preventing the drive system from generating a warp field.

"All power to engines! Now!" You fire your boosters to try and give your frame shift some room to work as distant enemy ships pound the aft of your vessel with beam fire. With all power to engines, your shields collapse from the pressure as tracer rounds rip over head and from the side. The sounds of impacts echo through the ship as enemy rounds eat through the hull. The Chelsie indicates a missile lock as you watch the frame shift meter inching its way toward a full charge. You close your eyes, waiting for the impact, but before it comes, there's a flash and the all too familiar tunnel of hyperspace lies in front of you.
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