Cmdr Oborax
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
Eddy = Da /D\
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer OBORAX
Overall assets
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry


24 Apr 2021Oborax
Commander's notes - no 1
3307 - 04 - 24
13:52 GCT (Galactic Console Time = in game time )

After a long trip home, another Tritium order came through, so I headed out again, this time in my T9, aptly named "NINE" ....
[wouldn't mind adding Seven of nine to my fleet *cough* cough* .... sleek and curvy like those Imperial Clippers ]

Anyway, back to the log ...!


Next morning, I awoke to a new location!
Whilst I rested, the carrier had jumped to .... Synuefe NL-N c23-4 B 3 !
That made it three times in a week I'd been here ....

So I said farewell to the carrier and headed to the New Growth asteroid base at Pencil Sector EL-Y d5.
With no fuel scoop, it was either 140+ jumps in economy mode or grab the best scoop they stocked at the base!

Well, a 4D scoop is rather SLOW to gather up to 64t of fuel so most of the systems on the way back were fully scanned... even those with 50+ bodies ...

Whilst at the starport, I had a conversation Commander Michal, who was planning on purchasing a corvette and had been paid over 100,000,000 credits in bounties.
During the chat, I remembered that quite a number of The Wild Hunt squadron members were very busy and working hard for personal goals.

Commander KNG_PUD had passed Pioneer explorer rank and now had over 1,000,000,000 in assets bought,
Commander 3DDan had claimed thousands of bounties on foot, saving up for a Krait,
Commander Panditt had streaked (slowly I hope) through the Crescent nebula, past Medusa Rock - thousands of light years distant,
Commander Ifeanon had been mining, bounty hunting, and who knows what else!
And the other commanders were so busy and far away, that communications had not yet been received from them !

Finally back at base, I had been inspired to improve my rank in the Imperial navy reserves, so I recalled my Asp Explorer from storage and headed out to Mies Van Der Rohe's Claim in Mainani.

Many, many courier runs later, I was asked by General Milena Dillard, to assist in controlling the epidemic which had broken out.
So I accepted and searched for some Advanced Medicines to help.
The Asp did not have any cargo space, so the route chosen included a stop off to visit an outfitters.
Within a short time I had returned the aid to Mainani.

A short while later, I was notified that the Empire was pleased to promote me to Marquis. The dream of owning an Imperial Cutter moved a step closer.

Over lunch, a fellow commander and I discussed the struggle to get noticed and rank up in the navy.
He suggested taking a trip to Robigo to transport passengers, and assured me that it would be financially lucrative.

So that is where I am headed now, after a refit of course!
Paying passengers need air to breathe (sadly) unlike cargo....

Onward, and hope our paths cross out there ->

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︎3 Shiny!
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