Cmdr Oborax
Explorer / Trader
Registered ship name
Eddy = Da /D\
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Diamondback Explorer OBORAX
Overall assets
Denton Patreus

Logbook entry

Many ways to hunt, some Wild_er than others ...

10 May 2021Oborax
Trustee Lucero Gonzalez welcomed me to Coney Gateway, in the LHS 1832 system.
"It is a pleasure to have you with us commander. have you heard the good news? Our economy is currently booming, so I hope you have plenty to trade."

Checking the Comoddities Market, I found a healthy supply of over eleven thousand units of Argonomic Treatment was available, and at 9099cr per ton.
704t fit easily in my Type 9, which should give a healthy profit at my next stopover.

A trade contact in Njirus, on Moriarty Horizons, has advised me of a good [rice being paid there.... we shall see if my contact is reliable!

Many of the Wild Hunt Pack have been out in the wastelands of space, hunting elusive ranks and credits.... it is time for me to join in the search.... to hunt...

The Bexploraluga shall be tucked up in home dock, and the cargo king shall emerge .... time to play ball...

This tipoff best be good, nearly six and a half million credits to fill the cargo hold !

If this trade works out right, it should just tip me over into being a billionaire for the first time.....

And so onward... for mutual profit, as the Teladi would say...
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