Logbook entry

Is This Thing On?

20 Aug 2021MAVERICKbirdy
Ok…yeah, Elvira, I’m setting it up now…Really? It’s on? It’s already recording? Bullshit, lemme see…well fuck a duck, so it is. Ok, thanks! I can take it from here; you probably have shit to do…well excuse me, then, princess, sorry for trying to be considerate towards your schedule! Yeah, I was! Shocking, I know! If you gave me actual shit to do instead of just being so outta the way that I have to jump so far out here just to see you, I wouldn’t mind hauling my sorry ass halfway across the damn Bubble to your little workshop here in the sticks to say hello! Hell, I might actually enjoy it!


Look. Just…head back to your workshop. I’m…ugh. I’ll just…keep to myself for the duration of my stay here. I’ll be outta here by tomorrow, anyways.


Shit, is this still recording? Fuck me, it is. Dammit! Saving grace here is that it’s text only right now, even though the guy at the counter told me that it could do video. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been swindled. Sorry y’all had to catch that. Shit’s been weird the last day or so. Still trying to adjust to having this thing; it’s my first time using it. Might not get it on the first go around. Hell, it’s all new to me in one way or another.

Ok, so, introductions! Name’s Maverick…or as it says on my license, “MAVERICKbirdy.” Don’t ask. I’m a bounty hunter by trade, also do a little courier work every now and again to lighten things up. Tried cargo hauling once, didn’t pay as much as I thought it did. Also tried asteroid mining…didn’t have the taste for it. Unlike most people, I don’t enjoy staring at rocks until my eyes bleed.

Anyway. I decided to give this whole journaling thing a shot because…well, I gotta fill those long voids of silence somehow. Might as well do this. If anything, it’ll make trips in the Horse With No Name bearable. Or at least more entertaining. Though I’m not flying the Horse right now, I’m flying the Dirty Work. Should probably mention that. Might do a rundown of all my ships at a later date, just so you guys can see what I’m talking about. All you need to know is that the Dirty Work is my main ship. I’m engineering her to hell and gone so she can keep pace with it the rest of the pack.

Don’t expect anything groundbreaking or revolutionary from me when you read these, though. I’m just doing this to keep the space madness away. Or mitigate its onset. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

As you probably guessed, I’m in the Khun system, crashing on Elvira’s couch until my ship’s ready to go. She said she needed to do some more work on it. She does good work. Honest work. Excellent work. The only problem I have is that she lives all the way out here, away from the main hubs of the Bubble. Like I said before, I wouldn’t mind it so much…if it weren’t such a damn schlep. At least she’s kind enough to lemme refuel when I get here. That’s a plus. Might bring her a thank you card…wonder where I can find one all the way out here…

So! I have…nothing to talk about worth a damn, so I’m just gonna end it here. Now, how do I turn this damn thing off? Is it this switch…nope, nope…not that one…maybe this one? Nah, not that either…was it this—
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︎3 Shiny!
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