Logbook entry

Back Home in Ohm

21 Aug 2021MAVERICKbirdy
—damn thing, can’t tell whether or not it’s on! Wait a minute, I’m getting a text readout, which means it’s…yup, it’s recording! About damn time! Was starting to wonder if I’d need to call Elvira again. Probably would’ve gotten an earful about waking her up at such an ungodly hour just for this damn thing. Hope she got my card. She better have, otherwise the postman and I will exchange rather hostile words. I may be an asshole, but I am a gracious one, and that means leaving thank you cards for people who make mods for my ships. Which includes Elvira.

…wait, did this thing…? Sonuvabitch, it did! Aw, hell, we’re off to a roaring start already. I need to get better at telling whether or not this damn contraption is recording. So fucking hard to tell!

As you can probably tell, I’m back home at Ohm City in LHS 20. Initial trip back was uneventful, thank goodness. I’d hate to have one get interesting on me. Then again, with the amount of effort I’ve put in to engineering my Dirty Work, I probably might’ve been able to get out of whatever was making my trip interesting. So, pros and cons of a safe journey, I suppose. At least the views were nice…?

In any case, soon as I got home I prepped the Horse With No Name (she’s my dedicated explorer) for work. I know, I just got home and not four seconds later I’m heading off somewhere else! What can I say, I had errands to run. Errands for my engineering friends (and not just Elvira, mind you). They needed shit done, so I got to work.

First stop was Dav’s Hope out in Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 for salvaging some materials that Elvira and her friends needed. Grabbed as much as I could with my SRV. Had the thing full to bursting when I left for LTT 1349 5 e a to go grab more raw materials for the engineers to play with. After that, I plotted a few trips to Moisuc Dock in LP 834-42 and Clariaut City in 10 Tauri to do some horse trading for the rest of what I needed. Pretty boring gathering trip, but definitely worth the upgrades in my book. The Horse With No Name, for example, can now jump an absurd 40-some-odd lightyears. It’s insane. I’ve heard tell of other pilots gluing bits of Guardian tech to their FSDs to get even farther hops, but I’ve yet to figure that out for myself. Might need to find some Guardian ruins to see what I can do about that…problems for another time.

Anyway, next was back to Ohm to see how the new duds on the Dirty Work did against the local riffraff—well, semi-local. Most of the jobs I took were from RBS 742. Apparently a lot of my usual clients at Neumann Dock had some juicy jobs involving pirates being shredded to tiny bits, so of course I said “Yes, please, lay it on me!” Made a damn pretty penny, too—ballpark of 13 million credits from the bounties and jobs combined! Add the cartography data I sold (pedestrian compared to the bounty hunting I did, but 79k is 79k) and I made some serious bank today. Closing back in on 200 million, which means I’m on track for a lot of things I’ve got going on the back-burner right now.

So, that was my day. Not as exciting, sorry, but definitely worth it in the long run. Maybe next time I’ll see if I can take some pictures with the camera drones I seemed to have laying about and introduce y’all to my girls—FLEET! I meant to say fleet! Goddammit, now folks will think I’m a nutjob.

In any case, I’ll see y’all later. Gonna see if I can turn this off now…was it this—
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