Logbook entry

The Vucub Huan Corporation

12 May 2021Lotus Terranus
The Vucub Huan Corporation was founded in the Yucatan region of Earth in 2036, with the aim of refining iridium mined from the nearby Chixulub Crater. Its success led to it expanding quickly, and its Earth-bound experience soon proved invaluable as mineral extraction began to move off-world. Their orbital refineries became common throughout the Sol system in the 2200s, and subsequently spread to many other star systems, either partnering with corporate-led colonisation, or moving into more established systems at a later stage.

Like the Sirius Corporation, they attempted to remain politically neutral as conflict began between the Federation and the nascent Empire. However, their political clout (and, arguably, savvy) was not comparable to that of Sirius, and this strategy backfired spectacularly. They were shunned by the Empire, and met punitive sanctions in the Federation which made most of their refineries unprofitable. After long downsizing exercise, their remaining business was confined to the Old Worlds and headquartered in the Diso system.

The Corporation took full advantage of now standing outside of Federal regulation, but with the establishment of the Alliance, they once again needed to reign in their activities. The development of the frame shift drive removed the need for co-location with suppliers and customers, and this led the Vucub Huan Corporation to move all their operations to a previously uninhabited system, which was renamed for its new owner.
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