Logbook entry

Hodack Prison Colony's Vucub Huan Annex

19 May 2021Lotus Terranus
The political divisions in Vucub Huan, along with reduced support from the Federation under Zachary Hudson's Republican administration, left the system vulnerable. At the same time, an increasingly-stretched security force was consulting the nearby Hodack Prison Colony (HPC) on strategies to maintain order. HPC had long outgrown the single planet of the Hodack system, having bid successfully to take prisoners from the Alliance, and many of those arrested in President Hudson's crackdowns, but were not deemed appropriate to keep under Federal jurisdiction. Consequently, HPC had already taken over the running of a number of nearby systems, and creating additional penal facilities there. Vucub Huan was their next target.

While the fleet of Workers of Vucub Huan Alliance were busy attending to a skirmish in Larais, HPC forces overwhelmed the defences around Walter Prospect, and swiftly took control. The Workers' fleet regrouped to Conrad Base, launching a counter-offensive within weeks, but now with an established foothold, HPC were ready for them. The Workers were routed, and HPC had control of both Vucub Huan A and B. They wasted no time in repurposing the refinery facilities for a prison workforce, and those who opposed quickly became prisoners themselves. HPC set about playing the remaining rival groups against each other, so that they remained in a state of perpetual civil war, whilst HPC could continue with their business untouched.

With Federal interests undermined, the Federal Reclamation Company were employed to reverse the situation. They were initially met with considerable hostility from the minor factions, often keeping them from even landing in the system. However, this was eventually overcome, and FRCo set about establishing a foothold. This finally erupted into war with HPC on 19th May 3307. Time will tell if there is a new chapter for Vucub Huan on the horizon.
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