Logbook entry

A busy fortnight for the Company

27 May 2021Lotus Terranus
Federal Reclamation Company Director Mohamed Calhoun has had a busy fortnight. We caught up with him as he finally disembarked at Caillie Landing, ending an extensive tour. This involved overseeing the long-anticipated war with Hodack Prison Colony (HPC), in which the Company successfully took control of Walter Prospect and the Vucub Huan system, whilst also supervising the opening of a large number of new surface ports and settlements.

"When the Pilots' Federation announced they would extend general flight permits to include worlds with thin atmospheres," said Calhoun, "we saw this was an opportunity we had to seize. This will be of great economic benefit to the worlds we run, and they have welcomed it with open arms. I'm particularly proud of our first high-tech enterprises in Delkar, Dhathaarib, Panopi and Logoni. It's also great to expand our tourism arm, already thriving in Hofada, to include Helgaedi and Ipilyak.

"Of course, we had rather hoped to finish our operations in Vucub Huan before turning to concentrate on business, but HPC never make it easy for us! So, we did it the hard way, and I'm proud to say that we can add Vucub Huan to the list of systems whose economies we're reviving. I had even intended to reach an olive branch to HPC after this, but their support is deserting them so quickly, the moment seems to have passed. Don't be surprised if you see the people oust them from Conrad Base without our help. In the meantime, I have yet another expansion to plan, whilst also working on taking our rightful place in charge of Pemoeri. No rest for the wicked..."
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