Logbook entry

The War For LTT 4447

13 Oct 2021Lotus Terranus
Federal Reclamation Co shareholders were shocked last week by the outbreak of war in the LTT 4447 system. With many systems flocking to the FRCo banner in recent months, it was a surprise to find a Company-controlled system in conflict.

All the more surprising was that the war was declared by the Company's erstwhile allies, the Sidewinder Syndicate. This provoked outrage from a number of FRCo's members and allies. Luckily, Company founder Cmdr "XeroState" Skifton intervened to diffuse tensions, preventing the conflict engulfing other systems. Sidewinders continuing to fight in LTT 4447 were subsequently routed.

FRCo Relocation Manager Diego Williamson is now working to rebuild the relationship. "It seems this was precipitated by a perceived shortage of living space within the Syndicate sphere," he said. "There may also have been a change those advising their leadership, but this is less clear. In any case, we are working to appease their concerns, and are earmarking systems that will better enable them to expand whilst preventing future conflict."
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