Logbook entry


[location] Bruce Prospect, Avik

[standard-date] 19:00, 23/08/3302

I find myself in a precarious situation, docked at an outpost lacking repair services. Alas, it is the only port in the system. It may prove foolish to enter hyperspace with a damaged ship - unfortunately, it is necessary in these circumstances. The rumors of late do not help to quell my uneasiness. Let us hope that they remain rumors for now. My ship's logs indicate that I have made over three thousand hyperspace jumps, traversed more than forty-five thousand light-years, destroyed upwards of three hundred hostile ships... None of this matters - no amount of experience can prepare for the unknown.

What is known is that something is out there. What is it? I could not fathom. The tales of old suggest sentient life beyond our own. The possibility of new threats should concern any pilot with a shred of intelligence.

The Federation and Empire have skirmished for control of a system inside the Pleiades (and I must admit, I participated). Individuals and corporations alike harvest mysterious organic structures for alloys. Others have found ways to cause mischief with strange artifacts. If a real threat were to emerge, humanity is extremely vulnerable. The few who tirelessly work to find tangible answers and solve problems as they emerge are as rare as they have always been. Humanity has persevered so far - but so far, we have been our biggest enemy. I fear this will no longer be the case much longer.

My biggest worry is that I do not have much time to prepare. I have been patrolling Sirius Corporation territory to build my reputation with them - Elvira Martuuk informed me of another Engineer, but I must be invited by the organization to access his services. I feel they may be essential to my survival in the not-so-distant future.

[logfile-signature] CMDR Allus Craig Dobro VI
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