Logbook entry


[location] Atwater Station, Pien Tsach

[standard-date] 04:00, 08/03/3303

Having recently returned from vacationing and not flying for what Earth-folk call "months", it feels good to travel among the stars once again. That makes me wonder, what is a "month" to a spacefarer such as I? Or even a "day"? These arbitrary measurements of time would not be of much use to those hundreds of lightyears from Sol if not for the standardization among the galactic powers.

On a related note, I have pledged my allegiance to a galactic power - CEO Li Yong-Rui of the Sirius Corporation. I've developped a good relationship with Marco Qwent and I wouldn't mind lending some manpower to further their research efforts. With the rumors of aliens no longer being rumor, I feel as maybe the galactic community undervalues the vital role Sirius Corp plays in our ability to defend against the unknown threats of deep space.

[logfile-signature] CMDR Allus Craig Dobro VI
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