Cmdr BulletRaven
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Skulljack Security Contractors
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Journal Entry CMDR Michael Ryn

30 Oct 2020BulletRaven
Its Official!

Vecos has announced the Activation of the SJSC. I can't believe it!
With everything that has been going on? Starship One, Thargoids, Marlinists, The Assassination attempt on Duval.
I would have believed Vecos if he told me that we were going to put this whole thing off for another year but, I never in my wildest dreams saw this coming.
True, there has likely never been a better time to get into the Private Security field and Things make more sense outside the Awkward Indentured lifestlyle supporting the Federation in any respect.
but to actually have a Squadron of my own? not one that I was assigned by some Admiral with the expectation that I mindlessly set my men (and women) to task for some Agenda a hundred Lightyears from anything we have ever known...

Mr. Dejereaux still amazes me, those Old Krait Mk I's and a handfull of Viper Mk III's and somehow he carved success out of garbage odds.
If anyone has earned my trust?, Its Vecos and his brothers. They went from Algae farmers to Data Couriers, and now they are in charge of a Private Security Firm.
One I am now a Chief Security Operator of.

To think, his brothers and mine working side by side to help stabilize some Pirate blighted system... finally a chance to do some Good!

I can't wait to Tell Eva about all this, She will finally be able to put her plans into motion for that "Whisp" of hers.
Things are looking up!

-End Log-
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