Logbook entry

Finding a home

21 Sep 2021Chiefcrash
I've spent a lot of time out here in the black...

Everyone's heard that Pilot's Federation sales pitch: come and be a commander! Forge your own destiny in the stars! Fun and profit! I never believed it of course, but it's not like there's a lot of options in this galaxy for someone unsuited for refinery work. At first, I wasn't concerned with the promises of fortunes and fame. I mean, what sort of respect can come from a commander's rank, when we've all seen a dozen of those "prestigious" Elites bumbling through a mailslot? The promise of escape, however, seemed rather enticing: I could just get away from the crowded nightmare. Or so I thought...

It's hard to think of something I haven't done in my "career" of trying to escape the incivility of civilization. I've worked nearly any job that could be offered, acquired more credits and ships than some system authorities, and have travelled further than my ancestors could have dreamed of. I have seen stellar phenomenon that would humble gods... and yet something was still unsatisfied.

I stumbled into a little system populated by some like-minded independent folk. At first, it was like any other: they had jobs to offer and places to dock. But as I worked the system a bit, and helped them quell a civil unrest... I realized I felt something I hadn't felt in quite some time. The satisfaction of coming home. It's an odd feeling when you've never had a home to go to, so it took a while to figure out. It wasn't until I was knee-deep in the Rishair conflict zones that i realized it wasn't escape I was seeking... it was purpose...

And I think I might have found one...
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