Cmdr Lakshmi Bai
Shield of justice / Trader
Registered ship name
Llv Empress Jodha
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Anaconda 528TH
Overall assets
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

The Shifting Sands

30 Nov 2020Lakshmi Bai
It seemed only a month ago did the industrial world of Iman Caber had lended her a ship, and a hand in restoring supply lines to a forgotten colony, which was then controlled by Zemina Torval and whose power waned faster than forcefields before a supercharged burst laser. The spirit of humanitarian aid led then-novice pilot Lakshmi to participate in the great Federal Spacelift to LFT 625, and then on to grander things, cumulating in mercenary work at LTT 1935 which finally opened her eyes to the truth about friendships and allegiances today.

They were but shifting sands, unpredictable in a sea of chaos.
The Federals were kind to her, but that kindness felt insincere. Like investing in you only to take all your rights and possessions away when you fall. Like mission briefings that told of Imperial commerce raiders and what appeared on sensors was a convoy of passenger transports taking families away from the broiling Confederacy.

Lakshmi had taken a step back towards her formerly open dealings with the Federation since, and even distanced herself from her peers, for she knew she hid a dark secret amid her growing circle of trade contacts and agents of industry. The same person she supposedly liberated from Imperial servitude turned out to be someone voluntarily embracing that way of life, manipulating people and places with a soft, alluring touch, and yet cumulated in a disastrous revelation that the people Lakshmi was supplying with food and humanitarian aid turned out to be nothing more than radical militants hell bent on destroying the infrastructure that fed them.

Her hands felt stained with blood, blood that will never go away, after Rekha had confessed to her late one 'night'  in their quarters. Like revealing something she should be proud of. Proud? Of hiding lethal weapons and materiel for improvised explosive devices amongst food for the starving children! How dare she!

They fought once, first with words, and then steadily escalating. She said horrible, horrible things to the lady who showed her the culture of the stars, words that she didn't want to recall, as with the ugly mess they'd left of what little precious memories they shared.

Lakshmi refused to talk to her since then, and while she had no presence of mind to report her to the Federal Authorities she soon distanced herself from trusting anyone again. Left alone, Rekha did show her true colours as an Imperial Agent, finding passage amongst one of many evacuation transports towards one of the Confederacy's colonies within the Imperial sector of the disputed star system.

Leaving Lakshmi to tend to her thoughts, of flashbacks and recollections, and desiring to betray the great power that once gave her wings, not too long ago. She was not alone in this, for members of the Fatherhood Wing she flew with during the Battle of LTT 1935 also did bear witness to those secret messages from combat controllers directing fighter wings to attack Imperial civilian shipping. In an act of rebellion, they stopped flying for the Federal Navy right there and then, and some even took on contracts to fly for the Empire.

It was a short-lived proposition, for Imperial IFF recognized these privateers as hostile, and it needed Lakshmi's special connections once again intervene to save the day.

"Rekha," she sent. Just a single word, to a relay satellite at the far side of the 8th planet. Cold and distant just like the courtesan she cast aside.
"I need your help."

"It will cost you. You are no longer my master nor social interest," Lakshmi could hear the barbs in her voice, that haughty Imperial tone, "I  expect you to understand... You're nothing to me."

"I know..."

"You don't. You're just a naive fool who used me. Used me! And threw me out the moment you disagreed."

"I'm sorry Rekha. I can't support acts of terror."

"Then you remain a fool. But before that - what do you want? Tell me why you waste my time, before I will charge you for even the privilege of texting."

"I want to learn about the Empire. And if the Emperor wills it, fly for Her bidding."

Lakshmi negotiated a truce, between the carrier Strength of Purpose and the Federation pilots who sought to defect. The same for those interred in her brig. They went on to fly for the Empire, on those silver ships of Gutamaya fame. And so did her. She had an Imperial Courier to her name, fastest in her growing flotilla.

She kept it safely interred in a sealed hangar at Eurybia, though, on the Paradise Station of Chris & Silvia. There would be another time for those pursuits, as for now, her connections within the Federation were more valuable than ever, to allow larger forces to move ahead of the coming storm.

She went as far as to enrolment as a Legionnaire in the famed Lavigny's Legion, but they stopped her in her tracks.
Theirs was not a culture of blind servitude, the striking woman in the angelic white dress said, one should revel in their purpose, and what they were gifted in life. Not to throw it all away, in a gesture of desperation and self-pity.

Besides, she had a Companion, and for her small, but important relevation of Federal war crimes during the Battle of LTT 1935, and service to the lost colony of Ay Indi, she was given a Master's rank in recognition.

It took a while before she came to terms with her mistakes, and confessed to a member of Wing Command, once back in Federal space. Iri said little in reply, only that members of the Wing found fascination in her life stories and of a culture far away from Fatherhood space centered around the mineral extraction hub of Hajangai.

It took longer for Lakshmi and Rekha to see each other eye to eye, far away from the brewing conflict and what Lakshmi would always tell from that moment on, as the hunt for the "Galaxy's Last Remaining Discount Type 10". They had flown two hundred light years to that shipyard at Panshin Ring, just to pick up that ship. Rekha watched patiently as her Mistress signed form after form to get the massive Defender-class vessel under her ownership, after her previous owner had left her sitting for years in disrepair.

Li Yong Shen offered a 15% discount of the vessel, perhaps for that reason.

To Lakshmi it was the vessel she'd always wanted.
For Rekha, it was always a special moment when a client would break free of her programming, and choose something dear of her own. An armed freighter that can take care of herself and with enough room to make a difference in trade and war.

They had swapped tales of ancient Empires and compared it to the modern one along the way, at times daring to approach the dangerous subject of how the Federation's education system perceived it. As the last limpet drones were loaded aboard the vessel, ready to make the ardous trek back to LFT 37 to participate in the new Alliance space-lift to Coalsack Nebula, there came a call from a starport under attack by NMLA terrorists not far from where this story began.

Lakshmi stared at her Companion, deep in her eyes. "I will have you answer for this. Make this right."
Rekha nodded submissively, and pointed to the ship's name on the mission board. It still read "TYPE 10 DEFENDER" in block letters along with a default registry code.

"I submit to your punishment. Would you at least name your vessel, your highness?" She mocked.
"We may be as ponderous as a flying palace, but our role is search and rescue, under fire if need be. We'll keep that yellow paint."
"Caesar's Palace it is," quipped the Companion, typing four letters on the board before a confused Pilot. "Stands for Combat Search and Rescue. Look how much you know!"

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