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The Arbor Caelum Conflict: Zeta Trianguli Australis

09 Jan 2021OmegaPaladin
When I saw the news that Arbor Caelum had taken up residence in Zeta Trianguli Australis system, it was not a big concern. ZTA was my home, but it was not like I had a problem sharing the system. I worked mostly with ZTAC growing up, who cares if they kicked over ZTA United or the ZTA Progressives? They did enough of that themselves. They had not threatened Scobee Prospect, after all, and that was where most of my family lived when not on the ships. As for Arbor Caelum themselves, they were an organization of pilots organized on the Imperial patronage model - curiously, they were not aligned with the Empire. Perhaps they were a split off from the Empire. They showed no signs of malicious activity in ZTA, so I did not

While I was taking care of business with SiriusGov, a notice popped up informing me that war was pending between ZTAC and Arbor Caelum. Arbor Caelum was going to try to take over the entire system, and Guest City while they were at it. I jumped into the system as soon as I could, and delivered a load of raw materials while I was at it. Who had thought that the whole system was that unstable? At ZTAC headquarters, I reported to the briefing room with a small army of other pilots. Given my limited combat experience, I was assigned to a less dangerous front leading a raiding action. Apparently, the Federal Navy was staying out of this, as the government under Hudson was discussing this with the ACID forces. I boarded the Black Lion, and set out into the fray.

My first engagement was nearly my last. While chasing a Vulture, I couldn't keep a bead on the nimble ship, and ended up getting surrounded. Thankfully, the FAS is built like a Coriolis station, and I managed to limp home to repair with 4% hull. When you are scared of accidentally blowing up during docking, you know your ship is in bad shape. After some time with the technicians at Guest City, we were back in business. I tweaked some systems on the Black Lion, and spoke with several veteran pilots on tactics before I set out again. This was not bounty hunting, this was war.

My next engagement, I came in slow, and approached the fight like a predator. I moved in an ACID Anaconda currently engaged with ZTAC vessels, then opened up with my laser until his stressed shields gave out. Then I spun up my multicannon, slowly chipping away at its armor. My decision to add a point defense turret was paying off as it shredded a few missiles from the multirole frigate, and eventually the Anaconda gave way under the combined assault. My next target was a Vulture. I began with lasers, but he popped chaff. I had expecting this, and switched to dual railguns. With some luck and patience, I managed a string of solid hit until chaff wore off, then my gimbaled main weapons could come into the fray. Instead of leaving when I was near dead, I left to rearm after winning several decisive engagements.

When I docked, ZTAC had another job for me. I was assigned to serve as the representative for ZTAC in negotiations with Arbor Caelum.

It was one of the ironies of modern life that the other faction would have offices in the same station as its enemy, but station neutrality was rarely broken. I met CMDR K. Z. Kawasaki in the offices of Arbor Caelum, with a view of the star out the window. He offered rather generous terms - they were not seeking to crush ZTAC, just to take over the starport and its lucrative business. He actually tried to recruit me, which was not what I expected, but the gesture was appreciated. However, it turned out that our negotiations were overtaken by events. The ZTAC force had actually pulled in more than expected reinforcements.

ACID pulled in favors and called in its alliances, but it was in vain. ZTAC had too many backers. Now I was negotiating the ACID surrender of Ramsbottom Port, as the war wound down. The ZTAC forces had won the day. As I shook CMDR Kanazaki's hand, we parted as friends, albeit on opposing sides.

I just hope we did not have to endure another conflict. With ZTA United licking its chops, that seemed unlikely.
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