Logbook entry

The Booze Cruise -- or: Public Holidays are not holidays for everyone

12 Mar 2021Netchild
A lot happened since I got my own fleet carrier. The FC crew and me joined the Pilots Trade Network (PTNS) and started FC trading. I got lucky to get Bridge Captain Margarita Cook and our Trading Officer Meera Glass, they make sure all runs smooth on the FC while I'm out in the bubble scouting or helping haul in/out trades.

Thanks to our fabulous scouts in the PTNS we got aware of the Public Holiday in Rackham's Peak very early. We quickly organized to fill the FCs which were empty at that point in time with Wine and went on the trip to Rackham's Peak. luckily for Margarita we were loading Agrononimc Treatment in Hatmehing for 11kCR/t profit for the traders and were nearly full, so she didn't had to do this 6h jump-session.

When we arrived yesterday at around 04:00 UTC we were the first ones. Thanks to the Bridge Captain Dong Vaughn from the P.T.N. Nostradamus for the safe trip and a comfortable bed at the carrier. All premium parking spots at Rackham's Peak were taken by Explorers, but the next free one was only 300 Ly away, so we started our 15 minutes round-trip to offload the P.T.N. Nostradamus. 4 hours later with about 5 haulers in Pythons (don't forget some shields, it's a low security area) and the FC was empty.

The next FC in our fleet, the P.T.N. North Remembers already arrived at that point in time, but I decided to have a little sightseeing in the system (as an Elite Explorer you have to take that opportunity...). As it was coming with some more haulers, there was no urgent need that I join.

It's beautiful there!

After this little pause I helped to unload the P.T.N. North Remembers and the P.T.N. Free Hugs. All in all I've spend 12.5h up there. Including the pause this means about 235 MCR/h (without the pause nearly 300 MCR/h). Thanks again to our PTNS Scout who informed us! A lot of our fellow traders which went with us on the FCs got Elite Trader rank more or less just from this trip (sorry to all which missed the opportunity, but due to the nature of this event, there was no way to plan-ahead and we had to ract quickly -- first come first serve -- and we were the first ones to arrive and for a very long time the only ones serving the demand for alcohol during the public holiday over there). Congratulations for the promotion to all!

Due to upcomming birthday planning (monitor the P.T.N. Ras Tschubai for an exceptional trading opportunity sometime beween now (as of this writing) and the next 1-2 days -- special birtday party price), I decided to get back to the Bubble with the P.T.N. Free Hugs. Thanks to Bridge Captain Boyce McIntosh for the safe trip back and a comfortable bed. As of this writing, we still have PTNS carriers over there, and if I got the long-range communications right some even are on their 3rd trip to Rackham's Peak. So far I counted 7 FCs (most of them only did one trip) with at least one maybe on the 3rd trip.

If someone got interested now to join us (no matter how big your ship is, as long as you can carry cargo from a FC parked a few Mm or Ls away from a station, you are welcome), feel free to join our long-range communication channel.

Before leaving, I decided to have a little bit of fun and went out with my Cutter...

Who said you can't land with a Cutter there?

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︎6 Shiny!
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