Logbook entry

Giving a helping hand -- To the rescue...

15 Mar 2021Netchild
After the Booze Cruise I bought a second Imperial Cutter, a second Python, and my first Federal Corvette. I got my Rear Admiral promotion just when the long range communication for the Booze Cruise arrived. I didn't had the chance to get my hands on a Corvette before the Cruise, so imagine how happy I was when I gave this "little" birthday gift to myself (lukily I was recovered enough from the birthday party to be able to hagle for a nice discount)...

Unfortunately the personel in the shipyard were already deep in the major rework of the Corvette and it was far from ready for the first maiden flight when I finally noticed the news about the damaged stations. Luckily the second Cutter was already nearly outfitted to an usable extend. Thanks to my Shipyard Manager Raquel Moss we managed to quickly replace the optional internals with passenger cabins and out I went to help rescuing some people. Thanks to the all the people which helped to make this possible in record time. I offered them an extra day of holiday for this.

Independend as I am -- and shocked about this cruel act against life in general -- I want to help all, but you can't be everywhere. So I decided to pick 3 stations and have chosen one of each super power.

The nearest system of the three chosen ones was Kamadhenu. So off I went with my Cutter. On arrival at the burning station, all went without major hassle. The refugees quickly on-boarded and out we went. They were off course used to see a Cutter, and some even expected that the Imperial Navy will send the biggest rescue ships they have. They even complained that we didn't went out directly when they were on board.  Well... seems some even think they are better than others and this big ship with place for >160 people just arrived to fly out 2 people...

The only complaint I have about the handling and managment of the rescue operations is, that there are people which can not distinct between normal flight operations and emergency situations. The station was burning, depris was flying around and every ship had to be careful. More than once we had to evade depris to prevent accidents, or had to slow down to not get hit or cornered. And flight operations does what? They give out fines for not being fast enough on entry, or "blocking" my own landing pad because I had to wait until a big chunk of the rings of the station (or whatever) was out of the way? Really? More than once I had to go back to the Rescue Ship and pay the fine before being able to pick-up passengers. WTF?

If it wouldn't have been such an emergency situation, I would have met this flight controller in a dark corner...

The next stop was Sol.

I have to say I was shocked when I approached Li Qing Jao. They have bombed away both rings. That must have cost a lot of lifes there.

Fire all over the place:

Boy did the Cutter attract attention there. Some refugees even stopped for a moment out of surprise to see an Empire-ship giving a helping hand. Luckily I was wearing my federal uniform, else some may have stayed in the burining station in fear of being abducted or such by the Empire... Come on guys, just because you would maybe do something like that other people don't have to be like that too!

As of this writing, we are heading now to the Gateway system. When we arrive we will help rescuing some people there too. I hope they are a little bit more open minded when they see a Cutter.
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