Logbook entry

Dancing Ships

08 Apr 2021Netchild
I can't believe it, it's already a month since the last public holiday at Rackam's Peak. Like last time the Pilots Trade Network (PTNS) is as of this writing still working hard to feed the demand for legal alcoholic beverages at Rackham's Peak. Numerous new members are helping (and gaining Elite Trade Rank from Penniless after about 12 ship-loads of trading...). Fleet carrier after fleet carrier is unloaded (I lost track... 10 PTN carriers? 20? ... a lot of them are lined up). There are even members which came up with less than a billion and take the (self-made) challenge to buy a carrier and come up to Rackham's Peak with a new carrier-load of Wine (there's a reason why we are compared to those very old technology called money printers -- can you imagine, they didn't exchange credits electronically in the past, they printed them on paper!).

Well, during several of the trading runs I noticed something which I describe as "dancing ships". But when I talked to my fellow PTNS members about them nobody believed me. "Do they also talk to you?" was one of the reactions I got from them. I'm sure you can imagine a lot more of the reactions. I even got the PTNS internal safety department on my ship. They checked if the safety precautions are taken, if I use maybe old cargo canisters which are not well sealed anymore (if you haul 280t of wine and the canisters are not correctly sealed, the alcoholic gases may off course have an effect on the crew). But no, all OK. I take care about my crew, we only use certified cargo canisters, not those old cheap crappy things you can find at a scrapyard for nearly nothing.

But still, nobody believed me in the PTNS galactic communications network. So, here it is, a holo-proof of the dancing ships:

I think Rackham's safety inspectors should have a look at that. Seems some pilots went out in their ships after having consumed too much of what we deliver. ... and I can only hope those are not the safety inspectors.
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