Logbook entry

Booze Cruise #5 - Taking it slow this time

07 Jul 2021Netchild
After the debacle of the Pilots Federation on the last Booze Cruise which gave us the first non-cheated trillion credits leaderboard rank, we took it a little bit slowly this time. We didn't reach out to the entire galaxy, and only announced the Booze Cruise in our internal P.T.N. communication network.

As such only 44 carriers did 47 trips to the peak (3 went twice). With an average of nearly 20k per carrier we got about 880kt of Wine to the Peak. That's about 5.8t per person of the population of HIP 58832. We are not sure if there are wine bottles or wine boxes in the cargo canisters (we only deliver the sealed cargo canisters), but we estimate we have delivered about 700 million wine bottles, or 380 wine boxes there. This means between 525 million and 855 million litres of Wine in total. Or between 3500 and 5700 litres per person of the population.

We are still puzzled what they are doing with this amount of Wine... but if they are filling olympic size swimming pools with this, they can fill between 210 and 342 pools with that amount of Wine.

Nobody was able to get the info out of the dock-workers yet, what they are doing with that much of Wine at the Peak. If anyone by chance has an idea, or even better, some real info... please contact us!

This was at least 3100 trips in Pythons (rather more, a lot of commanders had shields due to the pirates up there, so not everyone was able to carry 280t).

With the Wine-price during the public holiday, that means 243.5 billions in profits. As we don't require every Cmdr to be in the PTN squadron, not all of this is reflected in the trade leaderboard of the Pilots Federation.

Which brings us to some other interesting stats... we had around 120 billion trade points in the leaderboard when we started (sorry, just a rough out-of-the-hive-mind figure). Now after having unloaded all the carriers, we are currently in the first place in the leaderboard with 231.4 billion trade points. The second place has currently 36.3 billion trade points. And everyone in the top 10 below us summed up... still less than what we have at the first place.

You want to make money? Come to us, we know how to make it.

And if someone wonders, this Booze Cruise was theoretically able to sponsor 48 carriers. Several of them are already bought, and more will surely be bought in the next days...

During the off-hours there were as always some fun-events. Some may say the idea for some of them (shieldless-ship-boost-jousting, FC-ship-billiard, ...) may be a result of leaks in some cargo-canisters, but we can assure you that all cargo-canisters we delivered passed 100% of the safety standards of the Pilots Federation!
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