Logbook entry

Booze Cruise #6 - A nice surprise from the Pilots Federation

05 Aug 2021Netchild
As of this writing, my 6th Booze Cruise is still on-going. A few hours left until the public holiday ends. Like last time , we didn't reach out to the entire galaxy, and only announced the Booze Cruise in our internal P.T.N. communication network.

Two cruises ago, the Pilots Federation had major issues with their carrier navigation network. Despite no feedback from them, it seems they re working on it. And in what a way! Specially for the Booze Cruise there seems to be some silent test going on! Only in HIP 58832 (nowhere else in the galaxy), and only for those commanders with first landfall permit, there is a change in the way carriers are handled by the Pilots Federation carrier navigation system. Instead of 16 parking spots for carriers per body, there seems to be a different behavior. So far we lean towards 126 parking spots in total for the system (instead of 112), with a max of 31 per body (whichever limit hits first).

This is how it looked yesterday in the system map:

And this is the orrery-view when about 30 FCs sit aorund the star:

This has eased our traffic management tremendously. We hope the Pilots Federation is happy with this testing on their side too, and we can see a roll-out of this change to the entire galaxy and to commanders without a landfall permit. That would be great! Once the cruise is over and we are back in the bubble, we will try to get a word from the Pilots Federation about it. Not much hope regarding an answer, but at least we can try.

Currently we have 45 unique carriers which made 51 trips in total to the Peak. Some more are back in the Bubble loading up on Wine again. This number will surely increase until the end of the cruise. To give a little bit of perspective, this means we have nearly a megatonne of Wine for a profit of 260 billion credits up there. This means theoretically you can buy about 52 carriers from this profit.

With about 250 people subscribed to our internal Booze Cruise communication channel, we will not see 52 additional carriers showing up directly after the cruise, but it surely helps one or another commander in their goal of getting one.

And those 45 FCs are just PTN and affiliates which are joining our community-event. We are not the only ones up there. We are just about half of the entire carrier fleet at HIP 58832.

We still don't know what the people at the Peak are doing with this (filling 220-360 olympic swimming pools?)... right now about 6t per person... but hey, they want it, they get it.

Our sister carrier the P.T.N. Dark Sun will do a second trip for the first time. As of this writing it is loading Wine again. 350 million credits per run not really time to make some profits on our own. Luckily the trips were financed before with our WMM setup. And as you can see in the display of the system map above, money is not really an issue for our sister carrier (You need money? Come to the PTN, we know how to make money!)...
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︎7 Shiny!
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