Logbook entry

Booze Cruise #7 - Another public holiday, another cruise...

05 Oct 2021Netchild
Since the last cruise, roughly 2 months have passed. Last month we camped up there a bit, but unfortunately instead of public holiday, there was a drought. Poor citizens there. No booze for 2 months. No wonder they campaigned for a more early public holiday than we though in this month. Luckily for them, our sister carrier the P.T.N. Dark Sun and several others stayed there for an extended holiday and sight-seeing. So we were able to quickly fulfill their demand for Wine in the initial hours of the public holiday.

Off course we notified our fellow "Cmdrs in booze-spirit" and a lot of them helped loading more carriers in the bubble to make the public holiday at the Peak a pleasant event for the entire population (although we still don't know which kind of pleasure they have with that much wine per person).

Despite the fact that the public holiday came as a little surprise last week-end, we managed to come with our usual amount of carriers. 38 unique FCs in total, 2 of them went even twice (one of them our sister carrier the P.T.N. Dark Sun). It was also a calm and nice cruise. Rumors are, that one of the Wine-haulers in the bubble got kidnapped by accident while visiting the rest-rooms. This Cmdr was seen 1.5 days later in the bubble, and further rumors are he is 10.000 times richer now.

The entire trip of 40 carrier loads of wine total up to 762kt of Wine delivered to 150.000 inhabitants, or about 5t per person. This comes down to about 212 billion credits profit, or about 42 FCs which can be bought. As there were a lot Cmdrs helping in the unload operation, there will be less than those bought. So far we have 14 confirmed carrier purchases registered. Congratulations to the new FC owners!

The stability of the Pilots Federations carrier navigation computer network also seems to have been improved since we managed to break it galaxy wide a while ago... our STC has not experienced any issues. We also have no feedback from the Pilots Federation about the special parking arrangement for carriers at the Peak. We still hope they will enable this in the entire galaxy.
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