Logbook entry

Booze Cruise #8 and the Colonia Bridge - A lot happened since the last BC...

29 Nov 2021Netchild
Since the last cruise, roughly 2 months have passed. Last month we didn't have a cruise, as the system had an unfortunate natural disaster. Poor citicens there again. No booze for 2 months again! But as always, we were prepared to bring them what they demand. Currently we have 44 carriers signed up. Our sister carrier P.T.N. Dark Sun is right now on the way to the Peak. The P.T.N. Ras Tschubai will go up Nov 30th at 7:00 galaxy-time (UTC). Anyone who wants to join unloading the Wine, head over to Niaba and dock on it before we leave (we have a Shipyard, Outfitting, 3R, ...). You need to bring a cargo Python (only 1 M-pad there) with either shields or enhanced thrusters (far SC-drop-off due to high mass of an outpost and 2 installations, and thirsty pirates). You should also join our long range communication network (at least during the booze cruise), as we will announce the carriers which unload there (just ask us where you can find the info about the BC).

If you want to come with your carrier and bring some more wine, we strongly recommend you contact us via the long range communication network, as we have some important infos and infrastructure for this case. One important info to know beforehand is, that buying tritium and wine for the trip costs you 300 million (4 Python hauls at the Peak).

There are roughly 34 hours left, plenty of time to join.

The entire trip of 44 carrier loads (so far...) of wine total up to 800kt of Wine delivered to 150.000 inhabitants, or about 5t per person. This comes down to about 222 billion credits profit, or about 44 FCs which can be bought.

Other things which happened in the last months was the participation of our Squadron in the Colonia Bridge project. With our help the Brewer Corporation managed to sucessfully complete the goal of installing a lot of new megaships for the colonia bridge project. This has lead to the chance of naming two of the bridge members. We would like to mention, that the rumors that the Brewer Corporation gave the P.T.N. a favour here due to the immense amount of carriers they sold to our Cmdrs (partly as a result of the booze cruises, partly due to our other money-printing opportunities) are unfortunately not true. We would be pleased to have such good connections to the Brewer Corporation, but unfortunately the stars didn't align in this regard so far...

The megaships which we named are the CB-29 P.T.N. Profit's Prophet and the CB-25 (which as of this writing is waiting for some fresh paint for the actual name -- CB-25 P.T.N. Alessa Merrick). We are off course in contact with the Brewer Corporation offering some high-speed delivery resources to get enough paint over there to facilitate the correct name-plate.

And... the birthday of the P.T.N. is not far away... stay tuned!
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