Logbook entry

June 3308 CG - 4 FCs generated nearly the profit of a Booze Cruise

14 Jun 2022Netchild
The aftermath of the CG to deliver commodities to the Golconda is impressive.

We don't have the stats like for a Booze Cruise, but the values of only the 4 FCs I was able to gather are very impressive.

  • 22 round-trips of the FCs between loading stations and the delivery location (my FC was doing 9 round-trips)
  • 444kt of Tritium delivered (my FC did nearly half of that)
  • we generated 151.5 bil credits of profit for the haulers (my FC generated 71.7 bil)
  • the FCs made 8.1 bil credits profit (my FC about half of it)

A typical booze cruise generates 200-250 bil credits of profit for the haulers (and a loss for the FCs) with around 30 FCs which bring wine to the Peak. Having generated that much profit with only 4 FCs in the Bubble is really impressive. And all that without much preparation and infrastructure in place like in a booze cruise.

The above numbers were from 3 PTN and one NAC carrier. A lot more FCs were involved in the operation. So I think the PTN generated easily double than the above 151 bil credits of profit for all haulers which followed our call to help loading up the FCs and to deliver to the Golconda.
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