Logbook entry

Halloween among the Stars

31 Oct 2015DeepFlyer
I´m not sure it was a good idea last week. Grabbing my cat and buying a brand new ASP with a really nice exploration setup and starting headless into a journey among the stars.

I first went to the pleiades nebula but it was really boring, a lot of pilots have been here before, nothing worth to scan.
But then...infinite jumps later a weak signal on my scanners... here in neverland...wtf is going on ok let´s have a look

And then i had contact with my first UA. These UA´s showing up all around the pleiades nebula. I scooped it into my cargo bay but the ship computer detected strange things going on...moduls get randomly damaged so i ejected the UA, and it began to scan my ship.

Ok for my security and going scared from that scan, i destroeyd the UA, thought it would be better.

After that i set a new direction to the outopps cluster....seen much unexlored systems, made many good scans....but don´t know where i should go.
So i decided this morning...new direction..visiting some nebulas
And now i´m on my way to the elephants trunk.

So happy halloween to all the pilots outa there in the dark. Good luck cmdr´s and fly safe
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︎3 Shiny!
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