Cmdr Damiyen Aldon
Mercenary / Journalist
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Skulljack Security Contractors

Logbook entry

Logbook #1

29 Oct 2020Damiyen Aldon
<<Logbook #1>>

<<User ID: Damiyan Aldon>>



"I understand I'm probably a little late to keeping a logbook... hell I've been a pilot for a little over two years now and well, I've missed so many chances to note down my travels and have a voice recording of my moments of joy and moments of anguish. I missed my chance to record my graduation, and the amount of joy I felt, the joy of having my license being given to me after several years of studying."

<<Door Opens...>>

<<ID: Eva Kessik>>

"Hey, Aldon? Are you in here? We couldn't find you in your quarters so everyone is searching for you"


"Yes, Eva I'm in here. You know the Abyss is my sanctuary, my home, and a lifeline for those in need of fuel."

<<Heels clicking against wood>>

"Yes, well regarding that. You see Aldon we have a mission briefing for you. Meet Micheal at the command center at 0200 hours"

<<Receding clicks of heels>>

<<door closes...>>


"Mission briefing was as straight forward as usual, however there seemed to be a rather sense of urgency to the tone of MIcheal's voice. I mean that is understandable, we're recieving a distress signal from over 500 light-years away. Actually, I have the holo-copy of the briefing... One moment"

<<Input detected...>>

<<Loading Document...>>

<<Verity Speaks>>

"Greetings Commander Aldon, what may I do for you?"

"Verity, please read the document entitled Mission brief to Asterope."

"Yes commander... Commander Aldon, congratulations on your promotion to leader of the Exploration wing... That being stated, Aldon I'm expecting the absolute best out of you and the wing. Exploration team: As of 14/11/3306 we began receiving a transponder signal which, for the past 48 hours has been repeating an emergency signal from the Asterope system in the Pleiades Nebula. You have been assigned the task of investigating the signal and determining not only the signal source,but also the the presence of any humans, whether it be a ship, flotilla, or a settlement. There are certain parameters to this mission however. You are not to engage any hostiles, xeno or otherwise, however if you are engaged, respond in defense for egress. Veckyne Independent does not condone acts of aggression during exploration, but we will not be harassed. Remember team, stay frosty, slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Lets get you there and back in one piece... Alternative objectives: Map any and all systems discovered along the route to Asterope. All cartographics are to be stored until we confirm complete control over [Redacted]"

"Thank you Verity. That is all... So yeah... it seems I've been tasked with one hell of a mission. Not to mention he said exploration team. Yet I'm the only member of the exploration team. Maybe I did something? No, I've done nothing to compromise the team... Well I better get some rest..."

<<End Log>>
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