Cmdr BillBR
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Logbook entry

Finally a new ship to fight pirates!!!!

27 Sep 2019BillBR
"Wow man it is great!!!!" that's my reaction after shooting down a pirate with my new ship ... Mamba!!!

After 2 days working with Engineers this wonderful piece of technology was ready with an amazing speed (600+ m/s), huge damage capacity, strong armor and a heavy duty shield!!

Although the test was very short, a 30 min lonely run, I able to found some pirates using all sort of ships (small, medium and large ship).

During the fight, Mambas performance exceeded my expectation. It was possible to melt down some of the larger ships in less than 30 seconds!!!

I noticed that our specialist focused its weapons for huge short distance damage, I love to fight just behind the target!!.

I was executed a runway test, for those case you get in trouble, and it is able to get enough distance to be safe very quickly leaving all enemy far back!!!

Well. I can't wait to fight as with some wingmen!!!!

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︎0 Shiny!
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