Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
VCFS Discordia
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette D00M
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Logbook entry

The Lonely Comet?

23 Jun 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio at The Lonely Comet at starport Synder Enterprise, TZ Arietis::
::personal log::

Who the hell names a bar "The Lonely Comet"?  That's as bad of a name as that one place that one time in T.J. -- it was called something like "The Thirsty Thursday" or "The Cheery Cheers" or something garish like that. Equally ostentatious inside if you can get past the name...
Now "The Alchemist" yeah, that was a bar with an apt name. I should go back there in the whats-it-called system, there was a woman... I can't remember her name either, just how her eyes lit up and smiled whenever she saw me. I liked that.

Ack, but I can't go anywhere!
Been grounded for days now!
The Jupiter Jazz's engines won't turn on.

I blame that creep The Dweller. Everything was fine until we started tweaking so much. We, no he borked the power systems and had taken half the day just to fix them back to working condition. One night of flying around the spaceways and then the next day I can't get the igniters to stay on, or if they do then a few minutes later all power to the engine cores cut out entirely like someone flipping a flippin' switch. He didn't right proper fix it, he just patched it to get me gone.

Spent 2 days troubleshooting, running every system diagnosis, trying to tweak things to get some fixes. No dice.
Lennox was useless for that; she can fly, sure, but she's not a pilot. A real pilot knows how his ship works, not just the individual parts but the synergy & harmony when they're all working together. She's renting a room on the station and was fine with it, told me to ping her when we're good to go.

Parts I need won't arrive 'til tomorrow. Hoping I can set them right up and get off this dull station and get back to the stars where I belong.

Heard the delivery appeals to Obsidian Orbital in Maia have passed. I'm out a few million spacebucks of opportunity by being stuck here; I really enjoy pitting the Feds against the Empire to win my favor, and getting paid by both.
As a privateer years ago I used to like the Feds. Then I got cast aside via their bureaucracy.
I used to like the Empire well enough too; even got the title of "Master" which is pretty good for an outsider. Well, I was cool with them until they wanted me to be a double-agent and go back to working for the Feds and actually enlist.  "Flight Assist off" and they can blow it out an airlock, I'm no one's pawn.

Ah, I'm a little drunk and a lot gruff about being stuck in one place, seeing my ship unable to fly like she wants to. Needs to!
I spent all day in the Jazz catching up on old holoshows. I should have stayed there instead of coming to this stupidly named joint for some drinks.

::end transmission::

IRL computer died. Power issues, may be PSU, might be motherboard. Should be back in action in another day.
Been watching The Expanse in my forced downtime. Good sci-fi there!
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