Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
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VCFS Discordia
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Federal Corvette D00M
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Logbook entry

The alien base is growing or rising

29 Jun 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio on the Jupiter Jazz, docked at starport Obsidian Orbital, Maia::
::personal log::

Yesterday I woke up to a wing-and-comms ping from CMDR Delco as he was on approach returning to HIP 14909 2 A.
Getting my bearings in my stateroom and shaking my head to get my mind clear of sleep (I loathe & despise being woken up) I then got up and walked to my cockpit and flopped into the seat.

A glance at the stats and all systems were good just as I left them.
Shields at full power, always good to see.
Fuel levels were on the lower end, but still fine and as expected.
Ms Sheila Weaver, my crewmate, was still in her cabin, door locked. Still asleep I'm sure. Lucky. No need to disturb her.
Eden, my ship's AI who swears "she's" more than a program, kept the Jupiter Jazz in geosynchronous lunar orbit above the alien base as I had requested. I could see the site way down there through the glass between my feet and the console. Keelback's have a swell cockpit for sight-seeing.

I took the controls and started a steep descent to the ground, following my friend's arrival. As I got closer I noticed the previously flat land surrounding the alien site was now ridged with dark striations.
When much closer I could tell the "spines" and huge spikes were taller and more massive today, with a green hue instead of a dull gray-green.
As I made my final vertical descent to land it was clear that "overnight" this alien site had either grown larger or was rising up from the ground!
The ground circumscribed by the outer spines, and some of the visible structure features, now have a metallic red shine to them:

Some commanders back here on Obsidian Orbital are speculating that these alien structures aren't Thargoid lunar bases at all, but are crashed Thargoid capital ship equivalents from the Thargoid invasion circa sometime before the year 3200. And that they've been regenerating, healing wounds and systems on this macro scale as any organic life does for its body.
Difficult to believe, but so too is what I've already seen.

I saw a GalNet news bulletin today that crime and piracy rates have been up in the civilized areas of the bubble, and several systems have posted bounties on transgressors in their space of influence.
I do enjoy taking down bountyheads and getting paid handsomely for it. Sheila could use more experience in combat with me before I'm ready to sign her on as a permanent crew member.
I should head back to civilized space for a little while, and as I make easy money I'll see what if anything people are talking about vis a vis the Thargoids and these new discoveries.

::end transmission::
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