Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
VCFS Discordia
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette D00M
Overall assets

Logbook entry

The Valkyries' Hot Rod

15 Nov 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio on The Valkyries' Hot Rod, at station Grant Dock, HR 7047::
::personal log::

Since the Thargoid invasion of the Pleiades sector I high-waked back to the bubble where it's safe. Well, less Dangerous.
Faffed around civilized space for a while. Found an attractive scene and started guest bartending at a pleasure resort named Jolson.
I had parked my Stealthship somewhere very safe, and returned to flying the Jupiter Jazz to keep a low profile; nobody notices a Keelback.

Flash forward a bit of time, I had saved up 130 Million credits and started shopping around. Did I want to buy my own bar? Pay to become a small-time Baron of some lone outpost? What did I really want?

First I got my cybernetics upgraded to top-of-the-line tech. That didn't even cost me much, due to some new friends.
Then I thought I should get back into bounty hunting, and treat myself to a sports ship; something sleek & elegant, flashy & fast, and with devastating firepower.
There's only one fine choice for such desires. The rich man's luxury fighter ship: the Fer-de-Lance.

About this time I had gotten back in touch with CMDR Delco, and he was thinking along the same lines, and had even more credits than I from his adventures.

We both bought FDLs, and outfitted them to our hearts' desires. Popped about the bubble meeting some old Engineers to tweak our systems and weapons to our preferred specifications.

I love the sleek cockpit / bridge.  The whole rear of the bridge has a ceiling window the entire length; real luxury there. I might even like to throw parties on the bridge when docked...

Then we saw that the Wolves of Jonai had an appeal for protectors, so we headed out to Grant Dock in HR 7047 to sign up and zipped into a HazRes site to test out our ships.

I was blown away by both the agile handing and the wicked firepower in one beautiful ship!
My FDL can out-manuever many ships, and hang with all but the most nimblest. And the gimballed, cyan, Huge-sized Beam Laser I mounted on the underside is a slicing beam of doom.  Four Medium-sized Pulse Lasers are for extra burst, or when the capacitor is down and I want to keep applying pressure without stopping.
Perhaps my favorite ship, even if she can only be a dedicated fighter and not an all-arounder.

She needed a name. One that evokes the fast & fun of the ship, without reserve; plus the impending apocalypse of a grim reaper coming for all of the soldiers on a battlefield.

"The Valkyries' Hot Rod"

Perfectly ostentatious.

I'm in love:

::end transmission::

I don't regret buying a Python (which I still have) before a Fer-de-Lance. The Python is an excellent all-arounder ship that fits almost all of my needs and will still get much use, especially for exploring, getting around, and CG trading. But in my heart, since Wing Commander 2 and Wing Commander Privateer and on through the WC series, Tachyon The Fringe, Starlancer, Freelancer, the Freelancer Discovery mod on an RP server, and space flight games I'm forgetting... I'm a space fighter pilot.
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︎3 Shiny!
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