Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
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VCFS Discordia
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Federal Corvette D00M
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Logbook entry

The Thargoids Are Abducting Humans!

21 Nov 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio on the Stealthship Manticore, at Aegis Research station Cavalieri, Electra::
::personal log::

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Writing this and uploading through Cavalieri's secure holonet VPN connection so that it won't show up right away in case the worst happens to me and I'm hunted down and killed for revealing this information.
I should be back in the bubble before this entry goes live.  If not... well... what's one more body among secrets to the powers-that-be?

The big news They don't want to admit, that They don't want to reveal to the galaxy at large:

I know, I know, this sounds like some crazy Dark Wheel conspiracy rant or from someone who's been watching too many B-rated holoflicks too late at night.
I assure you it's true. I have photographic evidence:

These photos are from my second encounter.

Confirmed occupied escape pod!

I flew in closer and the ship turned and approached me:

It approached me and released fluxuating beams of yellow-green light at my ship, I swear it made my body tingle:

I was in horror when I realized it the first time.
I figured they were scavenging simply materials from the wreckages.  Wreckages they caused, mind you.  I've witnessed them finishing the jobs, rending the hulls of the already devastated Federal Corvettes and Imperial Clippers & Cutters.
When I saw one of the Thargoid ships pulling in a container with its greenish beam of light, I targeted it and got a scan reading: an escape pod!
Via the beam of light, the escape pod was brought into the Thargoid ship's hull aperture, ostensibly a cargo hold, and it vanished from my scanner lock.
I was piloting my Diamondback Explorer, Fast Track, at the time. No weapons, weak shields. What could I do but turn and flee in shock?

When I docked at Cavalieri, I composed myself. Then I did some research on the local scene, tapping into Aegis Research's public files.
I've learned that Thargoid Cyclops ships are being encountered frequently here in the Electra system. But reports are all over the place on details. I talked to the bartender and several people at the bar here on the station but all I've gotten is gossip & conjecture.
Best I've heard is that there are "bounties" paid for the recovery of vital items from the wreckages, including escape pods.

In the face of everyone's fear, I took it upon myself to be a hero.
Equipped the Fast Track with a new AX Scanner so I could resolve scans on the Thargoids for future research by Cannon and Aegis, and planned to save any survivors.  I went out once and had my second encounter, photos above.
Then I had the AX Scanner moved to the Stealthship Manticore.

Flash forward past the minutiae...
I've now had several encounters with Thargoid Cyclops ships.  Close encounters, sometimes as close as 350 meters when they've approached me to scan my ship.
I have to assume my stealth tech does nothing to trouble them, as they pick me out as soon as I exit supercruise, and after scanning me each time they turn around and go back to salvaging and abducting from the wreckages. I'm now considering stripping off the extra systems and stealth technologies that [ R E D A C T E D ] installed, repainting her and renaming her.  Or perhaps not, having a stealthship may still come in handy against normal, you know, humans.

I'm heading back to Mars High, I have a contact there I need to follow up with. Then I think I'll pop over to Jameson Memorial and revamp my Imperial Courier. I haven't used The Striker in ages, since my Imperial-space smuggling days. Figure after some tweaks at Farseer Inc it should make for a good rescue craft in the Pleiades.

To anyone who reads this:
It might be time to grab a DBX, go to Colonia, have a nice cold pint & wait for all of this to blow over.

I know I need a drink.

::end transmission::
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