Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
VCFS Discordia
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette D00M
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Logbook entry

Getaway From it All... For the Mug

01 Dec 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio on Dark Angel, in supercruise on route to Hutton Orbital, Alpha Centauri::
::personal log::

I left the Pleiades and went back to the bubble. To "civilization".
There were a few too many close ones with the Thargoid ships, and the one that pulled me out of hyperspace near Maia, then shut down my entire ship like an EMP had hit it... that was too much.
When my ship's systems came back online, I didn't hesitate to see what that alien was going to do -- I made space tracks. "Just go and don't look back", my old teenage motto.
If I stayed, going crazy trying to save everyone, I'd end up in my own inescapable escape pod...

So then back in the bubble, I went and bought an Imperial Eagle.  I wanted it. Well, and I also needed it.
I flew it straight to the Deciat system and purchased another set of Enhanced Performance Thrusters from Ms Farseer, and had her tweak 'em up & down. This ship is now a speed demon!  Got the FSD modded, too. Doesn't have a large fuel tank and she guzzles it, but I never fly a ship without a fuel scoop anyway.  A jump range of 27 - 28ly is worth it all.

So, I'm flying the long, long distance to Hutton Orbital. Doubly insane: I'm in Federation space flying an Imperial ship. I'm fast enough to avoid scans and any would-be cling-ons. I'd like to think the black paint job I gave 'er, plus the glowing cyan spider decals and purple thruster jets would throw people off when they see my ship with their eyeballs and not their scanners, too.

There's someone on Hutton whom I need to talk to and some investigation I want to do regarding a clandestine meeting that happened there a months ago.

::CMDR's log supplemental::
Some shots of my journey here...

The infamous "0.22ly" measurement:

After an hour and 25 minutes I'm ready to drop from supercruise:

Flying that long did a number on my black paint job!

::end amendment to log::

::end transmission::
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