Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
VCFS Discordia
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette D00M
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Logbook entry

A Dead End and a Wrong Turn

07 Dec 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio on Dark Angel, at Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dehzra::
::personal log::

I got nothing from my trip to Hutton Orbital.  Well, a mug and nothing.
My contact didn't have any useful information for me. And there was this twitchy guy in the bar who kept looking over at me slyly, and he passed me twice on approach back to the docking bay when I was leaving.
Dark Angel wasn't tampered with, and Eden confirmed that in my absence there were no unauthorized attempts at entry to the hangar nor to her computer system.
But my suspicions were raised.

I took off and plotted a course to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dehzra.  I was eager to get back into the Stealthship Manticore and literally fly under the radar as I went around doing some investigations.  I made a few stops on the way to follow some leads and talk to some people.

A few days later I arrived at Shinrarta Dehzra.  It's like coming home.  In a strange kind of way. I don't have a fixed home; my ships are my homes.
When I landed at the station and ordered my Python to be brought from long-term storage the system told me it was unable to queue my ship due to a station authority alert.
Perplexed and annoyed, I sought out the nearest guard and asked him what's up.  He took my Pilot Fed's ID and tapped his data pad screen. A moment later his expression turned from neutral to sympathetic and he told me my ship's hangar had been broken into recently and after inspection it appear that several "unregistered modules" appeared to have been removed.

My face turned red.
My vision turned red.
Fuming and furious are understatements to describe how I felt.
They stole my stealth technologies?!  I thought I paid docking and storage fee for actual security!

I signed the form on his data pad confirming I had been notified of this alert to release my ship, and waiving my rights to something, whatever, because the stolen parts were the unlicensed tech.

I tried to contact [ R E D A C T E D ] and left several messages through the day.
Did they dramatically take back their "gifts"?  Or are they caught just as blind-sighted as I was?

A day later, impatient and already itchy from idling, I reached out to one of my contacts in the Empire from back when I was a privateer and held rank in the Imperial Navy by proxy.
He was surprisingly forthcoming with information about recent thefts of stealth technologies across the bubble, and didn't know I was involved at all.
He alluded to the Feds being the sponsors of these thefts. Figures, all the time I've spent recently in Sol just to satisfy my curiosities. Stupid. Careless.
The information he had leaned toward implicating a small faction within the Federation, possibly trying to build a small stealth-based navy to effect some insurgency somewhere... at worst the Feds could be looking to knife the Empire in the back if they get too focused on the Thargoid invasion.  Ugh, politics.

I'm heading to the Ingamba system to meet up with a contact he suggested.  Do him some favors, get more information. Said this guy and his subjects can really take care of me if I play nice.  At this point, I'm looking for some new friends and some security.

::CMDR's log supplemental::
The Stealthship Manticore is a mess.  Some of the exterior modules were ripped right off the hull, not all were carefully cut out. The ship had been boarded and tossed, panels removed and computer parts ripped out.  I can turn her engines on but her power distribution is all over the place. She's not going to fly anytime soon.

::end amendment to log::

::end transmission::
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