Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
VCFS Discordia
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette D00M
Overall assets

Logbook entry

My Just Rewards: A Barony!

16 Dec 2017Vizz Curio
::CMDR, Baron Vizzilla J. Curio on The Irresistible, at Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dehzra::
::personal log::

I spent a few weeks deep in Empire space around the vicinity of the Ingamba system.
My contact there hooked me up with some honest work taking advantage of the booming economies in the neighboring systems. As I did these favors, he reached out through his network across the Bubble for any information regarding stealth tech usage and interested parties.  In the end, we got no solid leads worth chasing. And it's a big galaxy; I'm not going to spend the rest of my life on a vendetta I'll probably never see to conclusion.

Well, I made a small profit anyway. And more importantly: he registered all of my work with the Empire so I got credit with the Imperial Navy as a privateer.
They were very appreciative of my work: I was to be given the title of Baron in the Empire and all rights granted that come with it!

Now to be honored with a barony, one must oversee some resources & estates. Usually this means a populated planet, or could be a space station.
I have no intention of settling down and living a life of pompous politics: I'm a Commander! And it was clear from my initial meeting with some heads of state that not being from a lineage of leaders nor royalty made me unwanted in those social circles.

My contact worked a deal with various figures behind closed airlocks and we came up with an idea to satisfy us all.

I bought an Imperial Clipper ship, as was now my right once my ceremony was complete. We had my official papers designate my new ship, The Irresistible, as the Imperial estate over which I rule.
That got me my honored title and special rights in the Empire. And it pleased the vapid, pretentious snollygosters who vie for rule to know I would be returning to space & wouldn't be planting my flag in their world of politics.

Since the Stealthship Manticore isn't going anywhere anytime without major repairs, I had her major internal parts that were still good removed and swapped into The Irresistible.  I flew her to Deciat, of course, and had Ms Farseer mod her systems dramatically. This ship is FAST for its size now!  And I think with a few more tweaks we could get her even faster.  Her jump range now gets up to 28.5 lightyears, which is greatly enhanced and honestly about the minimum I can stand for an all-arounder home ship, what with all the traveling around I do.

::Security camera shot while docked at base::

So anyway, you may now call me Baron Curio, if you'd like.
I'll still be the same CMDR Vizz in the cockpit though.

::end transmission::
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