Cmdr Vizz Curio
Space cowboy / Freelancer
Registered ship name
VCFS Discordia
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Federal Corvette D00M
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Logbook entry

Catch Up

25 Nov 2019Vizz Curio
::CMDR Vizz Curio on VCF Invaders Must Die, at Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dehzra::
::personal log::

Jeez, been a while since I used to keep a CMDR's log.  Last time I wrote I was titled a Baron and had bought an Imperial Clipper.
Two years ago...
The galaxy's changed since then.

I can't even remember half of the frivolous times of my life after that up until the Thargoids started attacking stations in the Pleiades, and then advanced into the bubble and left a trail of destruction across civilized space.
Oh they've since retreated back to the Pleiades, and now we know they amass in the Witch Head Nebula openly. Historical research suggests they originate in the region near the Horsehead Nebula and Barnard's Loop. And guess which systems the Pilot's Federation have locked out of our frame shift drive coordinate plotters?

Up until the Thargoids were in the bubble attacking stations in full force, the politics games of the Federation and Empire were in full swing. But then everyone united in horror, and we saw new tech coming from unlikely places.

Ram Tah -- famed archaeologist turned technologist-engineer -- had made many discoveries related to an ancient race dubbed The Guardians, and was able to create hybrid weapons, devices, and even ship-launched fighter ships using Guardian tech bridged with existing, and altered, human tech.
I made a few 1,000 ly trips to Guardian ruins sites, raiding the tombs of an ancient civilization for data packets and physical resources to let Ram build custom hybrid things for me. Got pretty good at defending against and taking out those old Sentinel drones they left behind.
It takes a bit of work, but installing a Guardian "frame shift drive booster" device in my ships to gain +10.5ly jump ranges is worth all of the effort.

Also unexpected: the Alliance funded new ship manufacturing initiatives. I myself own an Alliance Chieftain medium fighter. I've specially configured it for a thick hull to resist Thargoid caustic missiles' "goo" and sport weapons like dual Guardian Gauss Cannons to take out Thargoid Scouts.

Oh, right.  No longer just an observer and chronicler of Thargoids, I now have 160 confirmed Scout kills, solo, to my name.  I've also tangled with Cyclops and Basilisk Interceptors with local militia in conflict zones of systems under siege.
About a year ago I was one of the first to provide evidence that the Thargoid Scout ships appear to be living beings:

You can see in this photo the organic interior of the half-destroyed ship. Various organ-like structures are apparent. The ships "scream" when they are destroyed and blow up.

What else is worth mentioning of the intervening time?
A new technique for mining, involving planting explosive charges in weak points of an asteroid and then detonating them to blow the rock apart, revealing fragments locked inside, was invented.
I found I enjoy cruising through icy rings of a gas giant scanning for likely target rocks, then planting those charges and watching the marvelous fireworks as it goes boom.  A certain dark mineraloid that doesn't reflect much light is lucrative, and credits are no longer a concern for me.

And lastly for the catch up log, I'm writing this on a new-ish model ship, my new home ship, my perfect ship: a Krait Mk.II named VCF Invaders Must Die.
The Krait MK.II is my perfect all-around ship.  It's got jump range, good hardpoint specs, plenty of power, lots of internal modules for options, a fighter bay, and is plenty agile, all in a Medium sized ship.
Funny how 2 years ago I was saying 28ly jump range was acceptable. Now any ship getting less than 40ly I consider just a bubble-only ship. Trips to the Pleiades are common for me now, no hesitation at traveling that distance.

::end transmission::
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