Logbook entry

Federal Vacation (#1)

31 May 2021Neon_nylon
[Avicenna Station, Ao System]

"Cleared for automated approach Commander, Ship ID NX-9K. Please adhere to standard starport protocol and etiquette."

A battered and dented Diamondback Explorer slowly approaches the mail slot, its crimson paint flaking and chipping off into the void of space. A few laser scorch marks are scattered around the hull.

Neon sits half-asleep in the cockpit, legs up on the instrument panel listening to some earth music with a smile on his face. "Commander, do you copy?", a voice comes from his comms panel, "Commander... COMMANDER!" Neon jerks up from his half-slumber. "Wha-What's happening?", he murmurs. "COMMANDER, DO YOU COPY?" "Ye-Yes, Yep. Loud and clear. I hear ya. What's up Mr. Control-dude?" "Well Commander, our scanners have detected traces of illegal goods upon your ship. Once the landing procedure has completed, you are to exit your vessel and allow it to be searched. Any non-compliance will be met with lethal force. Do you understand?" Shit.. what did they find now? I'm sure i didn't haul anything illegal this time. Or did I?
Neon checks his cargo manifest. Nothing out of the ordinary. Suddenly the ships jerks abruptly to right, chucking a few things around. A few black boxes slam against the cockpit glass, narrowly missing Neon's head. The impact causes one box to open up, revealing 4 rows of highly explosive,very illegal, IEDs. "Uh, oh..", Neon mutters under his breath, "Forgot about those, it seems. I really should stop buying stuff after takin' that Onionhead shit." The ship was slowly approaching the landing pad. "Shit ,shit, shit, shit. What the fuck am I supposed to do now!?" Neon hastily tries to stack the boxes in a small corner. "Let's hope they somehow go blind!", he whispers through his teeth. A loud thunk rings out.
The ship had landed. He fumbles with his holster and pulls out his gun, decides against it though and puts it, since fighting an entire station was not how he wanted to spend his afternoon. A sharp knock from the ships entry hatch disturbs his thoughts. "Commander Neon, owner of the Vessel NX-9K. Please exit your vessel and allow for a search" Neon is still trying and failing to hide the black boxes. "Commander, if you do not comply immediately, lethal force will be used." "COMINNNNG! No need to get yer nuts in a twist." He rushes to the entry hatch and unlocks it. It slides open with a whirr but stops about halfway. Neon kicks the door and it opens the rest of the way, revealing a very serious looking man with a big gun.

"Search the ship! And escort the commander to his new quarters." Neon didn't like how the serious man had said that. Two other soldiers grabbed Neon by the shoulder and nudged him off the ramp towards the docking pad's control building. "Oi, careful!", Neon exclaims. "Shut up, smuggler-scum." Neon shut up. Oh fuck. This is not a good situation. I've gotta get my shit together. The soldiers push him into the control building waiting room and shut the door. Sitting in one of the chairs he scans the room. Doesn't seem like there's a way out of here. His gaze focuses upon the door control panel. Maybe I could do something with that? I could shoot it, they haven't taken my gun yet. As Neon contemplates escape routes for his predicament, the door opens. A man in Federal uniform enters and faces Neon.

"Commander Neon, you are under arrest for smuggling illegal explosives into Federal space. You are also under suspicion for terrorism. Hand over your personal firearm." "Hoold on now. I have no idea what you are talking about. Explosives? On my ship? Impossible." "Commander, we have found multiple boxes of high-grade improvised explosive devices on your vessel. You are to be detained immediately." "What?" Goddamn it. "Take him away, boys!" "Hey now, hold on. I'm sure we can handle this like civilised men" "Is that non-compliance, Commander?" "No-not at all officer." "I think he's resisting arrest. Stun him!" Multiple stun charges hit Neon. He goes limp and collapses on the floor with a dull thud.

Neon wakes up. He has a massive headache. He opens his eyes. His gaze darts around, trying to adjust to the darkness. Uugh.. I feel like shit. Where the fuck am I? It's fuckin cold and wet and I cant see shit. Fuuck this! Slowly, his eyes adjust to the lack of light. I'm in a fuckin holding cell. Alright. Wait, no, this is not alright! This is fucked! I need to get out of here. But how? It's a damn titanium box. Goddamn Feds! Always messing with my business. It's like they hate me or something... Neon knocks on the walls of the cell, trying to find some kind of hollow space. This bit sounds hollow.. A good kick might do it. Neon slams his leg into the wall and jumps back gripping his foot, reeling from the pain. "OH FFFFFFUUCK!" That didn't work! Neon looks at the wall. Not even a single scratch on it's surface. Neon slides down the wall and sits on the cold floor. Guess I'm not leaving here anytime soon. Best get comfortable. After a short while he hangs his head and slips into an uncomfortable sleep.
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